Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

My coop is pretty dark and there are always a couple eggs in the nest boxes when I go down to put warm water in the waterer just before dawn. I know they aren't from the night before 'cause I usually don't get the waterer until around 11 pm, and there aren't any eggs then! I think mine are hiding flashlights too.
Well, hens generally lay their eggs in the day-TIME, during daylight hours. Not at night, in the dark that happens at night. But you don't need to put a light or lights in your coop in order for them to lay. (Unless you've got a pitch dark coop, no windows or openings at all, and what chicken would want to go in there? And if a hen was stuck in there all the time... *shuddering*... Well, I wouldn't lay eggs under those conditions!)
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My friends give me trouble about how I eat fertilized chicken eggs.
Evidently it's FULL GROWN baby inside and I'm eating little baby chicken embryos... I've tried telling them that there isn't a baby in there unless you incubate it but they never listen.

At least they know that you need a rooster to fertilize right?
This made me howl with laughter! Guess when mine start to lay, I'll know what to listen for!!!
The flashlight perception seems to be very persistent on this forum.
Almost as persistent as the "egg song" perception. Everyone knows that the "egg song" contains two verses. The preparation and then the celebration. Those with any observation skills who have spent any time with their chickens know exactly what I mean.
I think that meant that hens don't "sing" so much as make all kinds of racket, screaming and hollering and making weird banshee noises when they lay an egg.



Well, it's music to MY ears!

Don't tell me you ACTUALLY think of it as a 'song"?

Lol, I think most people are joking about it, but some don't seem to realize that it's actually a warning call, and not some sort of song. It's even funnier to me when people who are new to chickens ask about it, and others answer in the most serious way about the 'egg song'.
Who cares though? It's pretty hilarious thinking of it as a song even if it isn't!

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