Chicken Myths/Rumors: True or False, Please Share!

I noticed pullets seem more able to do it then adults maybe because there are thinner and lighter lol I have wyandottes now so they be to heavy
I had a couple EE Roosters climb over their run fence. Had to put them back a couple times last year.
I had roosters do that to...stray dogs unded up killing them
They stopped after I clipped their wings.

We have a neighbor that let's his dog run loose which is irritating. Luckily he hasn't killed a single chicken.
Purple is more about the bloom than anything. You can get eggs which appear purple due to a heavy bloom, but once you wash the bloom off it will be brown. Also is not exclusive to EEs.
I wash my Plum colored eggs, they stay plum 🤔 , maybe I just have weird birds.
How about brown all the way to the inner shell between the membrane? I've had a few of those too.
I haven’t studied egg shells too closely.

Good Luck Charlie Idk GIF
Not sure if this was already said, but here it is:

Myth/Rumor: Chickens aren’t smart
True or False: False
Evidence: It’s been proven they are pretty smart. They could even recognize up to 100 different faces. (Sorry if it wasn’t too descriptive )
Chickens are not smart. They get out and then have no clue how to get back in by using the same way they got out through. However, as like many other animals and humans they can be channeled, not taught, by the known Pavlov operant conditioning.
Evidence: Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849–1936) The same study that he did with a dog, I have done with my girls since they went out to their own coop at about 12 wks. They love oats. However, I began to give them oats only if they were up in the roost before night time. I also did not allowed for them to go over any other to get oats. After a few eeks of everyday of the same thing, they all came to the roost to get the oats and they do pretty good at not jumping anyone, nor pecking and to wait until I came to them. I was really not into a training mode but more to make it easier for me. However, the see me in the evenings with a mason jar and all I have to do is hit softly with my nail in teh can top and they all come and I walk into teh coop and they are all crazy to get in teh roost because they have learned that only there is where they get oats. Scratch and everything else is in their bowls but oats, they have to be in the roost. Darn, it is hard being a teacher and stop teaching,lol

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