Chicken Myths/Rumors: True or False, Please Share!

Very good read. It is not saying that chickens are smart or intelligent. They can be cognitively changed with reinforced behavior such as roost before oats, They come to see intheir own that when they do something they get something. That is the reinforced behavior that we all want. Pure Psychology and same as for humans. you cannot put a plate in front of a child and never model what to do with it. You have to model and show and give clues as to what to do. That is the way we learn. Big story as forever I have heard about a child left in teh wild will not learn to speak. Same if a child is never spoken to, they will not learn to speak but however will make sounds because it is in DNA and part of teh original cognitive code. It is all about repetition. I only have to look at my dog if she is near the table at dinner time and she knows to make a v line the other side of teh house. She is not allowed to watch me eating nor anyone at all. It took a long time but I keep reinforcing the behavior I want by later giving her some leftovers or a treat. All animals can learn some type of conditioning. The earlier it starts, the more successfull you become.
I don't get you're point, I read it before posting. It's a study on intelligence.

I understand it's you're opinion though.
That is why I emphasized "beagle". Beagles are supposedly a super smart breed of dog. And you just flat out said. "chickens are not smart". Um, hello? The 26 chickens I've had were all smarter than my beagle!
All of my birds are really smart too.
One wing still failed.
Have not witness that but I believe you. Once you do it, it has to be done again because they grow their feathers back. I have not cut any one's again but I guess they are too heavy to fly high anymore. Except my 2 sebrights. One is done molting but the otherone, has like 2 feathers on her tail and her neck seems like the guy with the pin head,lol
Have not witness that but I believe you. Once you do it, it has to be done again because they grow their feathers back. I have not cut any one's again but I guess they are too heavy to fly high anymore. Except my 2 sebrights. One is done molting but the otherone, has like 2 feathers on her tail and her neck seems like the guy with the pin head,lol
Yeah, I clipped one wing. Went inside for awhile, came back out, & the rooster was outside the fence again. Then clipped his second wing, & went back in. Came back out again, he was outside the fence again. After that I tethered him the in coop by the food, & water for a couple weeks. That fixed his behavior. Never escaped again since.
That is why I emphasized "beagle". Beagles are supposedly a super smart breed of dog. And you just flat out said. "chickens are not smart". Um, hello? The 26 chickens I've had were all smarter than my beagle!
Well, no offense but that study that was posted earlier does not confirm that chickens are smart. However, every animal has their own set of internal natural behaviors that are purposely given to then. No they do not come from dinos either. That theory of evolution has never been proven as a law or a fact and it is why keeps the name of theory. All animals have innate behaviors. They hunt, fish and scratch. Chicken can recognize common and regular faces because they have interacted with them. New people are not recognizable to them until they see them often and yes they do can establish a pattern of who comes and goes but not because they are brain smart. We would like to believe it to compensate. However, I am not here to judge but to learn about myths but cannot believe it all unless I see a proven fact. I wish my 12 chickens were smart. I would make money off of them in a heart beat. Maybe I buy them instruments and put them in the run until they can play me some Beethoven of Bach. Apparently this is not a learning threat but an imposed one. Sorry I intruded.
Yeah, I clipped one wing. Went inside for awhile, came back out, & the rooster was outside the fence again. Then clipped his second wing, & went back in. Came back out again, he was outside the fence again. After that I tethered him the in coop by the food, & water for a couple weeks. That fixed his behavior. Never escaped again since.
That is what you need to do with a repeat offender,lol
Well, no offense but that study that was posted earlier does not confirm that chickens are smart. However, every animal has their own set of internal natural behaviors that are purposely given to then. No they do not come from dinos either. That theory of evolution has never been proven as a law or a fact and it is why keeps the name of theory. All animals have innate behaviors. They hunt, fish and scratch. Chicken can recognize common and regular faces because they have interacted with them. New people are not recognizable to them until they see them often and yes they do can establish a pattern of who comes and goes but not because they are brain smart. We would like to believe it to compensate. However, I am not here to judge but to learn about myths but cannot believe it all unless I see a proven fact. I wish my 12 chickens were smart. I would make money off of them in a heart beat. Maybe I buy them instruments and put them in the run until they can play me some Beethoven of Bach. Apparently this is not a learning threat but an imposed one. Sorry I intruded.
Studies are still going strong. DNA comparison has been promising.
Very good read. It is not saying that chickens are smart or intelligent. They can be cognitively changed with reinforced behavior such as roost before oats, They come to see intheir own that when they do something they get something. That is the reinforced behavior that we all want. Pure Psychology and same as for humans. you cannot put a plate in front of a child and never model what to do with it. You have to model and show and give clues as to what to do. That is the way we learn. Big story as forever I have heard about a child left in teh wild will not learn to speak. Same if a child is never spoken to, they will not learn to speak but however will make sounds because it is in DNA and part of teh original cognitive code. It is all about repetition. I only have to look at my dog if she is near the table at dinner time and she knows to make a v line the other side of teh house. She is not allowed to watch me eating nor anyone at all. It took a long time but I keep reinforcing the behavior I want by later giving her some leftovers or a treat. All animals can learn some type of conditioning. The earlier it starts, the more successfull you become.
Your argument is that chickens aren't smart, but can be "conditioned" to learn behaviors. You then use children and your dog to show how they also learn by being conditioned. Are you also saying children aren't smart, & neither is your dog? Like chickens, they are simply being "conditioned"?

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