Chicken Myths/Rumors: True or False, Please Share!

Hearing a cock crow at midnight means a pending death... in my half century of raising chickens there have been six deaths in the family within a week of hearing a rooster crow at midnight. Maybe just a coincidence...
Go to sleep at 10pm and you won't hear him
Myth/rumor: Round eggs hatch pullets.
Story: I have no idea where this idea originated.
True or false: true in my experience.
Evidence: when I regularly hatched out chicks I set round eggs and the batch was only (at most) 1/8 cockerels. There was definitely more than one variable so I really can't say for sure wether it's true or false. Lots of people swear by it though.
I've heard this, don't know how true it is. I'll have to try it.
Myth/rumor: hens do the egg song when laying an egg
Story: some people think hens only do this noise and only after laying an egg
True or false: false males do this noise when there is a ground predator and some hens never do this sound even after laying.
My gals (glw) most certainly get very chatty when they need to lay an egg. I spend a lot of time with them and when i hear it, i can say someone needs to lay an egg, And sure enough, there she goes off to the nest. This morning in fact was like a circus in the coop! One gal gets all emotional when her sister patient is in the nest. 🤷🏼‍♀️🐓❤️
My gals (glw) most certainly get very chatty when they need to lay an egg. I spend a lot of time with them and when i hear it, i can say someone needs to lay an egg, And sure enough, there she goes off to the nest. This morning in fact was like a circus in the coop! One gal gets all emotional when her sister patient is in the nest. 🤷🏼‍♀️🐓❤️
I didnt say hens dont, they actually do that noise to draw predators away from their nest but mine couldnt care less lol they dump their egg and move on

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