Chicken Myths/Rumors: True or False, Please Share!

Chickens bite

Myth. My little cousin got poked by one of the chickens and yelled, “hey! She bit me!” I had to tell him, she can’t bite, she doesn’t have teeth. And I explained when you step on a chicken accidentally they get mad and peck you with their beak. Lol
When I read your post a couple of days ago, I wanted to say "Oh yeah chickens can definitely bite!" I have several hens who bite me every time they are in their nest boxes when I reach in to gather eggs. I peer into their nestboxes to see them waiting there all tense with their hackles raised and giving me looks that could kill, and I think "Oh God; it's you."😂

Their bite consists of latching on with their beaks and not letting go. The two hens above improve their biting techniques by in addition pinching. While latched on like a pit bull, they twist their beaks causing my skin to also twist and be pinched. Lucky for them I love all my chickens, even the ones who don't love me back.😁

The reason I didn't post my above input before now, is because when I disagreed with/questioned a certain poster 2 days ago, I was irrationally personally attacked. (Other people's input before mine was also discounted and dismissed as invalid.) Not one insult that person said to me was true, but I chose to back away since the person's comments were so irrational i thought the person might be unwell. (It was the same person who posted the "rant" yesterday that those here yesterday were so confused about.) For the record, yesterday's rant was directed at the Second person who questioned the person's input. It bothered me to remain silent and not defend myself against the "irrational lashing", because there are Many people posting on this thread who's knowledge and humor i greatly value and admire.

Anyway, im grateful to see the recent discussions that have taken place here re "myths, rumors, true or false, without anyone attacking those who disagree. Now back to an interesting, entertaining and fun thread. And thank you @Lacy Duckwing for creating it!
When I read your post a couple of days ago, I wanted to say "Oh yeah chickens can definitely bite!" I have several hens who bite me every time they are in their nest boxes when I reach in to gather eggs. I peer into their nestboxes to see them waiting there all tense with their hackles raised and giving me looks that could kill, and I think "Oh God; it's you."😂

Their bite consists of latching on with their beaks and not letting go. The two hens above improve their biting techniques by in addition pinching. While latched on like a pit bull, they twist their beaks causing my skin to also twist and be pinched. Lucky for them I love all my chickens, even the ones who don't love me back.😁

The reason I didn't post my above input before now, is because when I disagreed with/questioned a certain poster 2 days ago, I was irrationally personally attacked. (Other people's input before mine was also discounted and dismissed as invalid.) Not one insult that person said to me was true, but I chose to back away since the person's comments were so irrational i thought the person might be unwell. (It was the same person who posted the "rant" yesterday that those here yesterday were so confused about.) For the record, yesterday's rant was directed at the Second person who questioned the person's input. It bothered me to remain silent and not defend myself against the "irrational lashing", because there are Many people posting on this thread who's knowledge and humor i greatly value and admire.

Anyway, im grateful to see the recent discussions that have taken place here re "myths, rumors, true or false, without anyone attacking those who disagree. Now back to an interesting, entertaining and fun thread. And thank you @Lacy Duckwing for creating it!
Very sorry you got attacked on BYC, there are crazy people everywhere :(.

Thanks for the valuable input!
Yes, I've heard of that before. But cutting the wing clear off sounds a little extreme if you ask me. :lol:
It would be like trimming a bird wing..parrot, cockateil or macaw. The flight feathers are trimmed so they can't get air to get off the ground. Being in a residential area I certainly don't want them to go over into our neighbors yards. I Do Not trim my hens wings but if it became necessary I know how. Fortunately we have 6-7ft block walls on 3 sides so they are protected.
I didnt say hens dont, they actually do that noise to draw predators away from their nest but mine couldnt care less lol they dump their egg and move on
The 2 laying hens that I have can get pretty vocal at about the same time every morning..10am. That tells me they are going to lay or already did. They have 8 nesting boxes to chose from but both go into the same one.
The 2 laying hens that I have can get pretty vocal at about the same time every morning..10am. That tells me they are going to lay or already did. They have 8 nesting boxes to chose from but both go into the same one.
Mine all use the same one to except my maran she dumps em everywhere but the box...outside, in the pen etc lol

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