Chicken Myths/Rumors: True or False, Please Share!

As far as intelligence in chickens, it makes a big difference whether they have been coddled for generations to keep them alive or whether they had opportunity to free range and escape from predators. Survivability can be bred for. In my mind survivability is translated as intelligent.
I like your opinion. Thats part of the reason i like when my girls run away when I try to pick them up. A chicken willing to be picked up most likey will be dinner and I like that their instincts are keen. (Meanwhile, they are my pets and I love them more than most people, lol). Survivability is translated as intelligent. 🐓❤️
I also don't understand why we don't call them Pekins here. To me it's silly and very confusing to call them Bantam Cochins when they're not the bantam version of a Cochin.
They are called Cochin because they look like Cochin, never mind that they might not even have any Cochin blood in them. As far as I know that goes for all breeds. If you could breed a Leghorn to look like a Cochin it could be called a cochin and none would be the wiser.
They are called Cochin because they look like Cochin, never mind that they might not even have any Cochin blood in them. As far as I know that goes for all breeds. If you could breed a Leghorn to look like a Cochin it could be called a cochin and none would be the wiser.
Good point.
My test for chicken intelligence is simple: can they figure out how to get in the gate when they start on the wrong side...sadly a few never ever get this. They will copy another chicken if there's one in the same predicament but there are a couple that never figure it out. Every evening at lockdown I have to go scooch one particular back in.
My test for chicken intelligence is simple: can they figure out how to get in the gate when they start on the wrong side...sadly a few never ever get this. They will copy another chicken if there's one in the same predicament but there are a couple that never figure it out. Every evening at lockdown I have to go scooch one particular back in.

I have one chicken smart enough to fly back into the pen after having flown out.

All the others just pace the perimeter complaining that they're out there all alone.
I like your opinion. Thats part of the reason i like when my girls run away when I try to pick them up. A chicken willing to be picked up most likey will be dinner and I like that their instincts are keen. (Meanwhile, they are my pets and I love them more than most people, lol). Survivability is translated as intelligent. 🐓❤️
Hm, that wasn't true for our turken rooster, he would run away from us all the time, didn't like getting picked up and would scream at us when we tried, he wasn't aggressive just not very people friendly and he ended up getting killed by a hawk so maybe it just depends on the chicken.

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