Chicken Myths/Rumors: True or False, Please Share!

I can tell you that aquariums with water turtles were the most high maintenance because they shred live fish when they eat...envision cleaning messy, fish smelling tanks daily.

Grew up catching red eared sliders and keeping them as pets. I 100% know about turtles, lol. We used to catch fish out of our stock ponds to feed them and you have to change the water 3 or 4 times a week but they sure do love it better than turtle feed.

Have one now named Michelangelo that I caught out of my pond when he was about the size of a quarter but hes about too big for my 100 gallon tank.
Indeed they do. However if they choose to not vaccinate they must understand that they are a terrible risk to people in society with chronic illness. And no, not all pre existing conditions happen to the elderly, what about children with illnesses that make them immunocompromised? Imagine if they were one of your children, wouldn't you do all you could to protect them?
I understand your fears, but you have to understand that God made our immune systems to be able to handle these things. In the event that someone has medical issues that make them more likely to become more sick, or die from a virus, trust me, we take precautions. I lost the use of half of my lung in the Army due to chemical exposure and frequent bouts of pneumonia. I have avoided people with colds, the flu, and pneumonia for years. Unfortunately though, I have had 2 of the 3 strands of COVID and God got me through both. What I am respectfully saying is we don't have to act like little authoritarians and force shots and mask on people to make ourselves feel better, protecting yourself is your job, not others. To put it into numbers the U.S. population is over 330 million people. COVID has killed less than a million people. So you have way less than a 1% chance of this virus killing you. That doesn't warrant us requiring everyone's rights stripped away for the sake of the fearful. I have a bumper sticker on my truck that says, "My rights don't end at your feelings." It applies even today.Be Blessed today.
I understand your fears, but you have to understand that God made our immune systems to be able to handle these things. In the event that someone has medical issues that make them more likely to become more sick, or die from a virus, trust me, we take precautions. I lost the use of half of my lung in the Army due to chemical exposure and frequent bouts of pneumonia. I have avoided people with colds, the flu, and pneumonia for years. Unfortunately though, I have had 2 of the 3 strands of COVID and God got me through both. What I am respectfully saying is we don't have to act like little authoritarians and force shots and mask on people to make ourselves feel better, protecting yourself is your job, not others. To put it into numbers the U.S. population is over 330 million people. COVID has killed less than a million people. So you have way less than a 1% chance of this virus killing you. That doesn't warrant us requiring everyone's rights stripped away for the sake of the fearful. I have a bumper sticker on my truck that says, "My rights don't end at your feelings." It applies even today.Be Blessed today.
There is an old saying that says your freedom to swing your arm stops at the end of my nose. The decision to not get vaccinated and to not wear a mask, affects not only you but others as well. The mask is to protect others, not you. It is possible for you to carry the virus and infect others and have no idea you are doing so. People can have a bout of COVID and then catch it again and die. Just because you have had a case does not mean you are immune.

My biggest beef with the people who refuse the vaccine is this. Almost all of the COVID cases currently in the ICU are among the non vaccinated. The ICUs in many areas are filled to capacity with COVID cases to the point there are no beds for anyone else. I just read an article about a man who had a heart attack. He was held in the ER for 36 hours because there were no beds in the ICU. The beds were all filled with COVID patients. He died. He may have died anyway, but as it was, he didn't have a chance. His case is by no means not an isolated one.

I have a cousin who is a charge nurse on the pediatric floor in a fairly large metropolitan hospital. Pediatrics isn't just young children. It is anyone 18 years and under. She is now getting, and occasionally losing, young unvaccinated patients with COVID. This wasn't the case when the pandemic first hit.

I have no idea when and how the decision to get a vaccine became political. Required vaccinations are nothing new. There are certain vaccinations required before a child can start school. Years ago I enrolled in nursing school and there was a whole list of vaccinations I had to get. These were required. Today many colleges require students to be vaccinated for meningitis. I don't see the difference between that and the COVID vaccine. True, the odds are great that you will never get sick even without the vaccine, but if you do get sick by then it is far too late.
There is an old saying that says your freedom to swing your arm stops at the end of my nose. The decision to not get vaccinated and to not wear a mask, affects not only you but others as well. The mask is to protect others, not you. It is possible for you to carry the virus and infect others and have no idea you are doing so. People can have a bout of COVID and then catch it again and die. Just because you have had a case does not mean you are immune.

My biggest beef with the people who refuse the vaccine is this. Almost all of the COVID cases currently in the ICU are among the non vaccinated. The ICUs in many areas are filled to capacity with COVID cases to the point there are no beds for anyone else. I just read an article about a man who had a heart attack. He was held in the ER for 36 hours because there were no beds in the ICU. The beds were all filled with COVID patients. He died. He may have died anyway, but as it was, he didn't have a chance. His case is by no means not an isolated one.

I have a cousin who is a charge nurse on the pediatric floor in a fairly large metropolitan hospital. Pediatrics isn't just young children. It is anyone 18 years and under. She is now getting, and occasionally losing, young unvaccinated patients with COVID. This wasn't the case when the pandemic first hit.

I have no idea when and how the decision to get a vaccine became political. Required vaccinations are nothing new. There are certain vaccinations required before a child can start school. Years ago I enrolled in nursing school and there was a whole list of vaccinations I had to get. These were required. Today many colleges require students to be vaccinated for meningitis. I don't see the difference between that and the COVID vaccine. True, the odds are great that you will never get sick even without the vaccine, but if you do get sick by then it is far too late.
Yes, vaccine requirements have been around for years, but they have always been voluntary because there are religious, and philosophical exemptions people and parents are allowed. You weren't refused medical care, lost your career, etc. if you didn't get the vaccines offered in the past. Also, the vaccines have long track records of being reliable. Mandating a new experimental drug that doesn't even have a 5 year track record is wrong and unconstitutional in the U.S. The news has been proven to over-hype, and over estimate the COVID situation in Hospitals. Hospitals also inflate their numbers and situations because COVID is profitable to them. My Mom is a chart auditor for a major medical insurance company and can tell you how profitable it is for the Hospitals concerning COVID. Finally, the government is using this man made virus to separate us from each other. I refuse to fall for their scheme which is why I stay respectful when talking about this divisive subject. This is why I despise ALL politician's. They do nothing but destroy this beautiful, what used to be free, country we had. Our former generations that fought for this country would have never dreamed of taking away peoples freedom of choice in this country. As an Army veteran, I swore to protect the people, their freedoms, and the Constitution. I didn't offer to make the ultimate sacrifice for this country just to watch it turn into what I trained to fight, the communist. Please respect all people's right to choose what to put in their bodies. They have to live with the side effects, not you. Have a Blessed Day.
Sorry guys, leaving this thread. It's supposed to be about chicken myths.
The main reason I love this entire site so much is because I always look forward to seeing photos or reading words that make me smile, or learning or sharing things to help the flock, & I've been grateful to have a place to share grief over losing a pet & get the understanding & compassion of fellow pet lovers.
It's true many other things in life affect our lives, but sometimes we need a break from the bombardment of negativity & be able to focus on something else, such as our wonderful feathered friends & the reason why this site was created...this is one of the few places that can actually brighten our day.

To get back on the myth/rumor/true/false's an interesting 1st thought to be related to Ducks!

(These are facts)
Australia's Platypuses were first discovered in 1798. British scientists thought they were a hoax created by putting parts of different animals together – webbed feet and a bill like a duck, a body like an otter and a tail like a beaver. But the joke was on them, the platypus is real and it is awesome!
They might look cute and cuddly, but come across a male platypus in mating season and you’ll be in for a painful shock. Male platypuses have a hollow spur on each hind leg connected to a venom secreting gland, and while their venom is lethal, there are no recorded deaths from platypuses or from platypus stings.
Like a shark, the platypus uses electronic impulses to detect underwater prey and locate objects in the darkest depths of the creeks and rivers they call home. They feed on insect larvae, freshwater shrimps, worms and yabbies, which they bring to the surface to eat. Despite being a mammal, platypuses lay eggs – making them a monotreme. They’re one of only five monotreme species left in existence.
Research proves that the oddness of the platypus' looks isn't just skin-deep. Platypus DNA is an equally cobbled-together array of avian, reptilian and mammalian lineages.


Enjoy the day!
Be grateful!
Smile & Hug Your Flock! 🤗 🐔

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The main reason I love this entire site so much is because I always look forward to seeing photos or reading words that make me smile, or learning or sharing things to help the flock, & I've been grateful to have a place to share grief over losing a pet & get the understanding & compassion of fellow pet lovers.
It's true many other things in life affect our lives, but sometimes we need a break from the bombardment of negativity & be able to focus on something else, such as our wonderful feathered friends & the reason why this site was created...this is one of the few places that can actually brighten our day.

To get back on the myth/rumor/true/false's an interesting 1st thought to be related to Ducks!

(These are facts)
Australia's Platypuses were first discovered in 1798. British scientists thought they were a hoax created by putting parts of different animals together – webbed feet and a bill like a duck, a body like an otter and a tail like a beaver. But the joke was on them, the platypus is real and it is awesome!
They might look cute and cuddly, but come across a male platypus in mating season and you’ll be in for a painful shock. Male platypuses have a hollow spur on each hind leg connected to a venom secreting gland, and while their venom is lethal, there are no recorded deaths from platypuses or from platypus stings.
Like a shark, the platypus uses electronic impulses to detect underwater prey and locate objects in the darkest depths of the creeks and rivers they call home. They feed on insect larvae, freshwater shrimps, worms and yabbies, which they bring to the surface to eat. Despite being a mammal, platypuses lay eggs – making them a monotreme. They’re one of only five monotreme species left in existence.
Research proves that the oddness of the platypus' looks isn't just skin-deep. Platypus DNA is an equally cobbled-together array of avian, reptilian and mammalian lineages.

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Enjoy the day, be grateful, smile & hug your flock! 🤗

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I apologize for getting the topic off chickens. I too love this site as a place to learn about raising chickens and ducks from people who have done it way longer than me. I allowed my patriot side to come out in as respectful manner as possible. Though I am no longer in the Army, I guess I still want to defend freedom. I will end the conversation I have been engaged in and get back to my passion about talking about chickens, ducks, and gardening. Once again, I apologize for letting the topic stray off into the weeds. Forgive me.
My 2 laying hens wake me up about twice a week hollering " I laid my egg!! I laid my egg!! It's hard for me to differentiate between the "Danger Danger!! sound from the " I layed an egg!!"
Just to be safe I get up and go check on them just to be sure. It seems everyone else sleeps thru it.
Lol. Precious! 🐓❤️
There is an old saying that says your freedom to swing your arm stops at the end of my nose. The decision to not get vaccinated and to not wear a mask, affects not only you but others as well. The mask is to protect others, not you. It is possible for you to carry the virus and infect others and have no idea you are doing so. People can have a bout of COVID and then catch it again and die. Just because you have had a case does not mean you are immune.

My biggest beef with the people who refuse the vaccine is this. Almost all of the COVID cases currently in the ICU are among the non vaccinated. The ICUs in many areas are filled to capacity with COVID cases to the point there are no beds for anyone else. I just read an article about a man who had a heart attack. He was held in the ER for 36 hours because there were no beds in the ICU. The beds were all filled with COVID patients. He died. He may have died anyway, but as it was, he didn't have a chance. His case is by no means not an isolated one.

I have a cousin who is a charge nurse on the pediatric floor in a fairly large metropolitan hospital. Pediatrics isn't just young children. It is anyone 18 years and under. She is now getting, and occasionally losing, young unvaccinated patients with COVID. This wasn't the case when the pandemic first hit.

I have no idea when and how the decision to get a vaccine became political. Required vaccinations are nothing new. There are certain vaccinations required before a child can start school. Years ago I enrolled in nursing school and there was a whole list of vaccinations I had to get. These were required. Today many colleges require students to be vaccinated for meningitis. I don't see the difference between that and the COVID vaccine. True, the odds are great that you will never get sick even without the vaccine, but if you do get sick by then it is far too
There is an old saying that says your freedom to swing your arm stops at the end of my nose. The decision to not get vaccinated and to not wear a mask, affects not only you but others as well. The mask is to protect others, not you. It is possible for you to carry the virus and infect others and have no idea you are doing so. People can have a bout of COVID and then catch it again and die. Just because you have had a case does not mean you are immune.

My biggest beef with the people who refuse the vaccine is this. Almost all of the COVID cases currently in the ICU are among the non vaccinated. The ICUs in many areas are filled to capacity with COVID cases to the point there are no beds for anyone else. I just read an article about a man who had a heart attack. He was held in the ER for 36 hours because there were no beds in the ICU. The beds were all filled with COVID patients. He died. He may have died anyway, but as it was, he didn't have a chance. His case is by no means not an isolated one.

I have a cousin who is a charge nurse on the pediatric floor in a fairly large metropolitan hospital. Pediatrics isn't just young children. It is anyone 18 years and under. She is now getting, and occasionally losing, young unvaccinated patients with COVID. This wasn't the case when the pandemic first hit.

I have no idea when and how the decision to get a vaccine became political. Required vaccinations are nothing new. There are certain vaccinations required before a child can start school. Years ago I enrolled in nursing school and there was a whole list of vaccinations I had to get. These were required. Today many colleges require students to be vaccinated for meningitis. I don't see the difference between that and the COVID vaccine. True, the odds are great that you will never get sick even without the vaccine, but if you do get sick by then it is far too late.
Um Cassie, no offense but i do not understand how your response about vaccines and covid has anything to do with this thread. Get on facebook and find your like minded friends. This thread is dead.

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