Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

I named my hens after famous pioneer women of the west. I have:

Rhode Island Red - Laura Ingalls Wilder
Rhode Island Red - Annie Oakley
Golden-Laced Wyandotte - Pearl Hart
Golden-Laced Wyandotte - Nellie Cashman
Silver-Laced Wyandotte - Ellen Watson
Silver-Laced Wyandotte - Etta Place
Ameraucana - Mary Polly Poor
Ameraucana - Calamity Jane
Speckled Sussex - Lulu Parr
Speckled Sussex Rooster - Troubadour

(Definition of Troubadour: one of a class of lyric poets and poet-musicians often of knightly rank who flourished from the 11th to the end of the 13th century chiefly in the south of France and the north of Italy and whose major theme was courtly love) I thought it was perfect for a Rooster.

Coincidentally, if you research the women above, a few of my hens live up to the described personality. Especially Laura Ingalls Wilder, she will fallow me around or sit on my lap and do sweet little clucks and chirps like she's telling me a story.
One is Called Baked, another Fried, Another Grilled and the last one KFC

Sorry had to, only my 3 red sex links have names, Ginger, Brandy, and Big Red. my 6 white cornish rocks all look the same so no names there
I have owned nine chickens total, and their names have are/have been.
Salmon Faverolle Roo: Henry (deseased)
Salmon Faverolle Hen: Quince Lorraine (she goes by Lorraine)
Salmon Faverolle Hen: Minnie
Mille Fleur Hen: Coco
Mille Fleur Hen: Chanel
Buff Cochin Hen: Eloise
Black/Blue Silkie Hen: Muffin (deseased)
Partridge Silkie Hen: Fluffy (deceased)
We have so many is hard to name them all but our Turkin Rooster is named Spock, our Rhode Island Red rooster is named Elvis (He has a comb over), and my favorite of all the chickens is my Rhode Island Red hen named Henrietta. We also have two Pekin ducks named Frick and Frack. Hope that helps. You can name them pretty much like you would any pet, just something that fits their appearance or personality. Most of my birds are very standoffish or tolerant at best of being handled and touched. But the ones that want my attention or strive to be touched I name. The others are normally not named simply because most days I have enough trouble remembering my own name much less my birds names. We currently have 2 Rhode Island Red hens, 6 Turkin Hens, 4 Rhode Island Red roosters, 1 Turkin Rooster, 10 Rhode Island Red pullet chicks, 10 Plymoth Rock Barred pullet chicks, 3 unknown breed and unknown gender chicks, and 6 Cornish Rock unknown gender chicks. So as you can tell that would be a lot of names to be remembered on top of the horse the 4 rabbits, Thumper our breeding buck rabbit, Jessica, and Princess, and Cutie our female doe rabbits. Lucky our 32+ year old mustang horse. Leo the farm resident cat, Haiku and Rudolph the house resident rats (Don't laugh they make great pets and are very trainable). And 9 pit bull mix dogs and 1 shepard mix dog (Shiva, Pearl, Brandy, Casey, Phoenix, Sarah, Dutch, Chubby, Karma, and Molly). And all of my animals live in harmony with each other. There are days the horse chases the chickens, or the chickens chase the cat, or the cat chases the dogs but all in all is a pretty happy existence. Never had any of my animals act truly aggressive towards other flock members and my birds are freerange. I have raised our rescue dogs with the birds and they are actually very protective of them and have on three separate occasions actually saved my birds from predators. Am including a picture of Phoenix with Frick and Frack at a week old.
Jenny, Alois, Ceil, Luka, Oreithyia, Helena, Penelope, Kassandra, Judith, Gaston, Rex, Doodle, Dew, Goliath are some names I gave them!
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I have one baby chick. its like 1 week old and its name is Gizmo lol its my baby. she/he follows me around everywhere I never knew I could be so attached to a chicken, I plan to try and litter box train it and keep em indoors as an inside pet..
I have one baby chick. its like 1 week old and its name is Gizmo lol its my baby. she/he follows me around everywhere I never knew I could be so attached to a chicken, I plan to try and litter box train it and keep em indoors as an inside pet..
Oh that's so cute! Where did you get Gizmo + what breed is he/she?

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