Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

My husband thinks I'm crazy because I've started naming our chickens..
So glad I'm not the only one naming them.

Nosey - a real sticky beak
Cocoa - a gorgeous brown colour
Bugsy - a lot like my 14 year old daughter, doesn't like staying home, has to go out all the time
Sookie - name speaks for itself, she's such a sook.
Snowy - she's a really stark white colour.

And finally..

My daughter chose this name...

Cheeseburger.....still no idea why:p
Black Jersey: Oreo
Golden commit: Barbie (kids did that one because she's blonde
Brown leghornXEE: daisy
3 RIR: rose,peanut butter, and Juliet
Our 3 hens are Lorena, Clara, and Maggie.

Can you guess what my favorite book is? LOL
Pinky - GLW rooster
Goldy - GLW hen
Purplefoot - GLW hen
Harlet - GLW hen
DD - GLW hen
Whitey - leghorn hen
Rocket - OEbbRed/Nankin mix rooster
Fudge - JG/ mix hen
Purplegirl - Australorp hen
Jersey - JG hen
Angel - OE/Nankin mix hen
Anya - OE/Nankin mix hen
Dawn - OE/Nankin mix hen
Willow - silkie hen
Fuzzyhead - Silkie / Faverolle mix rooster
Munky - GLW cockeral
Cinder - GLW pullet
Whip - serama pullet
Lil whitey - GLW/leghorn mix chick
Twinky - faverolle chick
Plucky - faverolle chick
Ruger - Serama rooster
Rusty - Serama rooster
Cruella - serama hens (both mean!)
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my black old English game cockerel is called dude and I had a white cockerel that hade blue toes so I called him bluetoe
This is going to be a long list (hehe!)

Captain Jack- Splash Orpington rooster
Moose Tracks- Frizzled Tollbunt Polish rooster- has this habit of crowing right in my face
Mr. Bagawkbagawk- White Rock rooster
Foghorn Leghorn- White Leghorn rooster
Martian- White Faverolle rooster
King Arthur- Black Mottled Leghorn rooster
Samson- Silver Lakenvelder rooster
Elizabeth, Tilly, Willow, Kiwi- Silver Lakenvelder hens
Starry Night- Silver Spangled Hamburg hen
Midnight- Black Australorp hen
Hugo- Jersey Giant hen- we thought she was a rooster, but we didn't bother changing the name when we saw her in a nesting box
Alberta- Golden Laced Cochin hen
Belle- Splash Marans hen- always gets caught in something or another, but is always alright after she gets un-stuck (phew!)
Lilac and Violet- Lavender Orpingtons
Dee- White Sultan bantam hen
Gloria, Pepper, Lulabelle, Gretchen- Barred Rock hens
Lady and Sapphire- Silver Laced Wyandotte hens
Buffy the Worm Slayer, Bess, Marty- Buff Orpington hens
Eliza, Chloe- Light Brahma hens
Lydia- Silver Grey Dorking hen
Cornbread- Wheaten Aseel hen- tries to fly up on my head when I'm not looking
Hazel, Nutmeg, June- Speckled Sussex hens
Snowbell, Daisy- White Leghorn hens
Mallory- Light Brown Leghorn hen
Jade- Black Sumatra hen
Sky- Splash Sumatra hen
Lori and Staci- Silver Spangled Appenzeller Spitzhauben hens
Brownie- Partridge Rock hen
Red, Henrietta, Scarlet- Rhode Island Red hens
Petal- Golden Comet hen
Frankie- Salmon Faverolle hen
Abigail (Abby for short)- Golden Laced Wyandotte hen
Mahogany, Kit-Kat- Black Copper Marans hens- their eggs are so dark and the yolks so golden, they look like caramel-filled chocolate eggs! Yum!
Katrina- Dark Brahma hen
Alveena- White Faced Black Spanish hen- hates me for some reason and always gives me the stink eye
Irene- White Delaware hen
Polly- Mottled Houdan hen- she's a little ditzy, and flirts with King Arthur
Lacy- Blue Laced Red Wyandotte hen
Cheeks- Wheaten Ameracauna hen
Betty- Splash Silkie bantam hen- is in love with Blaze
Cassie- Columbian Wyandotte bantam- LOVES to be a mom
Blaze- Golden Sebright bantam rooster
Temple- Porcelain d'Uccle bantam cockerel
Ethel, Lemondrop- Mille Fluer d'Uccle bantam hens
Domino- Mottled d'Anver bantam hen- loves to be a mom
Isabel- White Silkie bantam hen
Mystery- Black Silkie bantam pullet
Tessie- Quail Antwerp Belgian bantam hen
Elvira, Miss Priss- Bearded Silver Laced Polish bantam hens
Prada- Silver Sebright bantam hen
Gucci- Golden Sebright bantam hen
Melanie - Buff Laced Polish bantam hen
Heather- Grey Japanese bantam hen
Kyla and Marcy- Blue Wyandotte bantam hens
Lucy- Black La Fleche bantam pullet
Macy- Barred Rosecomb bantam pullet
Caramel- Nankin bantam pullet
Ethel- Mille Fluer d'Uccle bantam hen- is our house chicken
Leera- Silver Duckwing Old English Game bantam hen- follows me around and begs for an apple core
Sophie- Self Blue Bearded Belgian d'Uccle bantam hen
Lanie- Golden Pheonix x EE bantam hen
Mary- Frizzled White Crested Blue Polish bantam hen
Flora- Frizzled White Cochin bantam hen
Oliver- Black-feathered rooster with white mottled pattern and creamy white hackles and green-sheened tail- no idea what he is
Millie- Self Blue d'Uccle bantam (just layed her first egg 02/08/2013!)
Omlette- Black EE hen- has one heck of an additude
Louise, Eloise- Barred Rock/Buff Orpington cross hens
Hootie- Golden Laced EE hen
Jasmine- Black Naked-Neck hen
Gollum- Golden Laced Naked Neck hen- love carrots, but if she eats to much her neck turns a funky orange color
Ferris- Silver Laced Naked Neck hen
Carey- Buff Naked Neck
Sally, Tulip- Buff and White EE hens
Sunlight- Black Silkie bantam/Golden Sebright bantam cross bantam hen
Moonlight- Black Silkie bantam/Silver Sebright bantam cross bantam hen
Grimmy- Black bantam hen with white mottled pattern. Her mother was a Black Jap, but I don't know what her father was.
Clover- Golden Sebright bantam/Silver Campine cross bantam hen
Callie- Barred Rock bantam/White Silkie bantam cross bantam hen
Lanie- Golden Pheonix bantam/EE bantam cross bantam hen
Lilly- Mille Fluer Booted bantam hen
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Mumbo - Blue Cochin - she reminded us of the penguin on Happy Feet, but we mucked up and got the name wrong - otherwise she'd have been Mumble...
Otter - Silkie/Partridge Polish - her little face looked like an otter's face (but with a beak) when she was hatched
Poof - Black Bantam Silkie
Pugly - White Bantam Showgirl Silkie - her name was originally Puff, but when hubby met her he said she was UGLY, so he combined the names
Maci - Black Australorp - Supposed to have been a Cuckoo Maran, but I didn't know breeds then and was "fooled" by a not so wonderful "breeder"
Adonis - Bantam Black Cochin
Snotty - Freedom Ranger - my friend named her because he came over one day and she had a snotty nose.....
Little Man - Freedom Ranger Rooster - he was attached to me when he was little and because I was "supposed" to eat him....
Pretty Lady and Pretty Penny - Cuckoo Marans
Hot Wings - Freedom Ranger/Americauna - she's fast and meant for the freezer
Idiot - Americauna - she is the only one who gets out of the pen and wanders the yard (taking a chance on getting eaten by the neighbor dogs who are never locked up and chase other critters
Freaky - Americauna - freaks if you get too close to her

Originally, my daughter and I started naming our birds names starting with the first letter of their breed (because we were silly, I reckon).
Some of them who are no longer with us were:
Persephone - Polish
Fred - Frizzle
Ace, AJ, Ariel, Aurora - Americauna
Bailey - Barred Rock

Hope that helps.
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13 RIR/leghorn girls- Lilikoi, Chives, Ohelo, Melon, Peach, Mango, Rosemary, Pepper, Parsley, Sage, Thyme, Guava, and Cinnamon. As you can see we had a fruit and spice theme. Lol

Then our rooster is Rooster Cockburn aka Roostie for short.

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