Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

Coffee Julie Sparkles Cocoa Elvis Mocha Goldie Patricia Peeps Cluck Cluck Cookies n Cream Rita Fluffy Easter Marshmallow Gary Violet Lava Magma
Claire Rocky Sugar Sprinkles Bowtye Valcano
Kizzy - Black Sex Link .. Roots
Granny Hawkins- Rhode Island Red.. The Outlaw Josey Wales
Agnes -Buff Orpington .. Agnes Moorehead ..(Bewitched Endora)
Flossy- American Dominique .. Sweet old Lady were I use to waitress
Lil Maggie - Ameraucana/Easter Egg'r? Sang by .." Dr. Ralph Stanley"
Pretty Polly- Ameraucana/Easter Egg'r ? My grandmaw's name was Polly also sang by " Dr. Ralph Stanley"

All my ChickAdoo's are unique in there own lil way
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We have four ,their names are Mrs. White, Gemini,Marsala,and Penelope........the two bantams,,,,,we are undecided, but thought of, Betty and. Wilma, and or Lucy and we are still undecided........hope it is of some help!.....have a great evening.....
We have 6 girls and 1 boy
Maisy is our golden comet
Daisy is a barred rock
Nugget is our other barred rock
Gyp is our buff orpington
Genny is our wyandotte
Bitty and her brother Texas Ranger are our Ameracauna/Rhode Island red mixes

Can't wait to get more!!!!
I have so many, but off the top: Bubba (Red Leghorn Rooster), Purina (Plymouth Rock Barred - from the Purina chicken feed bag), Fatty Magoo (Ameraucana and husband named her), Marshmallow (white cochin), Olivia (white cochin), Fluff n Stuff (white cochin), Snowball (White Cochin), Bob (Black and White Polish), Fro Fro (Gold laced Polish), The Cononel (Buff Polish)
Dorothy Zbornchick (orpington/australorp),
Sophia Pecktrillo (buff orpington),
Blanche Nevercreaux (red sex link),
Rose Egglund (easter egger),
Greycie Blue (silkie/ameruacana),
Spyro Triggerhappy (white rock - my 8 year old named her),
Tessie McGreevey (ameruacana),
Queen Camilla (ameruacana)
I have a black copper maran roo named Cock Robin. A Cochin roo named Cogburn and a female EE named Raptor. I usually don't name my hens because I have just never sat down and thought of a theme.
My first three hens were: Doris-BR, Delilah-Americana, and Dolly- buff orp.

Dolly and Delilah are gone :'(

We got two rescue chickens to keep Doris company, but they were BUSTED, so we gave them ghetto names:
Ambrosianae- buff orp
Eggshandra- black aus

Then we have our new hens:
Bubbles-EE (cause her seafoam green eggs)
Olivia- olive egger

Potential names for our soon to arrive:

Blue, Picasso, or Kona for a blue maran

Piccadilly, Shakespeare, fish and chips, or Lady Guinevere for a light Sussex

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