Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

We named her that after she decided to rule the roost and continually beat up the smaller Comet we had. The comet got trades for another Auracana, "Smoke" , and all is peaceful now! Learned abouT different breeds in the same house real quick!

Thanks for the reply!

We named her that after she decided to rule the roost and continually beat up the smaller Comet we had. The comet got trades for another Auracana, "Smoke" , and all is peaceful now! Learned abouT different breeds in the same house real quick!

Thanks for the reply!

Oh, if you have any comments on what breeds don't get alone pass it on. I'm thinking of 2 more chickens. Tks
My Easter Egger roo is named nugget and my white Silkie roo is named Yeti. They are the only two with cute names.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk three kids named the first three hens:

Blue Orpington is THUNDERCLOUD!!! (My son says it must be spelled in all caps with 3 exclamation points. And you must say it in a commanding voice)
Splash Orpington is Eedee
Americuana mix is The Beard

My wife named our barred rock Miss Fritz

I named our americuana Thirteen
What a bunch of awesome names.

My daughter and her cousins (all young children) named our chickens: Junior, Onions, and Yellowie (white leghorns), Cabbage, Fluffers, and Feisty (EEs), and Blackish and Boxie (barred rocks).

But if I could rename them myself, I'd call them: Archaeopteryx, Velociraptor, and Pteranadon (white leghorns), Goose, Eagle, and Duckie, (EEs), and Beetle and Roly Poly (barred rocks).

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My amber star hybrid rooster's name is get ready for it...... Sargento, yes like the cheese. I don't know why I named him that.
My RIR hens names (not all of my hens) are Savannah, little raggedy ann, fatty( yes fatty lol), and last but not least Hugh( i know Hugh is a guy's name but whatever i think it will work, just maybe
). the rest i just call girl or hen or ladies.

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