Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

Our two Buff Orpington Chicks were named Eleanor and Goldie, but Goldie has sadly passed on due to an abnormally developed heart.
Our Easter Egger is Bernadette and our Mille Fleur was originally thought to be a hen, and my kids named her Rose or Rosie. Since then she has actually proven to be a Roo, and we havent changed his name. So he is Rose the Roo. LOL

Im gonna grab a coupe more chicks this weekend, and will probably check this thread to steal some names!
We haven't had ours for I'm still trying to come up with some names. These are the ones I have named so far.

"Strut" - Royal Palm tom
"Dot" - Royal Palm hen
"Freebie" - Royal Palm poult (was a gift and I hope it's a hen...I'm crazy attached to the little peeper)

"Flo" - Easter Egger
"Vera" - Partridge Rock
"Lenny" - Lemon Cuckoo Orpington
"Lucy" - Lemon Cuckoo Orpington

I still have 6 to name. One of the chicks is a huge drama queen so I've been trying to come up with a name that conveys that.
Chuckles- White Silkie Rooster
Smokey- Black Silkie Rooster
Stormy- Black Silkie Rooster

Puff- Buff Laced Polish Hen
Andi- Blue Andalusian Hen
Frizz- Sizzle Hen
Maple- Mix Girl
Kiki- Mix Girl

Pepper- Ancona chick girl
Cinnamon- Salmon Faverolle chick girl
Spitfire- Salmon Faverolle chick girl
Still trying to come up with a name for the barnevelder...
I had a total drama queen so I called her Priscilla, but she was also very pretty!
If my white silkie hadn't already had a name I would have called her coconut, I am thinking I may need another chicken to use that name soon! Mainly I use ladies names that are old fashioned to amuse myself - I had Gladys and Florence named after my grandmothers, and my brother in law has asked for the next two to be called Dora and Dulcie, but they are named blackie and shadow as my mum is renowned for shocking names that are very literal!
Wonky is so names as her comb flops and Walter is also a drama queen ( I have moved to bad boys names as well now as it amused me!), thus Onslow - who did turn into a boy funnily enough! Oh and Sooty as she is black (have also a black guinea pig called Zorro)
Maybe someone ought to start a name thread purely for inspiration!
Whit Leghorn is mambo, rhode island red is big red, comet is simba, barred is winnie, barred is hazel, and leghorn is mabel.
Our Rosecomb Brown Leghorn is Teri (which is short for Teriyaki) and our two white Leghorns are Sam -n- Ella.

We just added 4 more chicks this week (2 Dominiques and 2 Barnvelders) no names yet, so we'll be watching this thread as well.
I have a question? Other than the one chicken I have at the moment that I have named, how on earth can you tell your chickens apart if they are all the same colours? I will be getting Australorps by the end of the week, they are all black and to me they all look the same - how can you tell which one is which when you name them?

We have two white leghorns and can tell the difference several ways: One is slightly larger than the other, one is chattier than the other, one has yellower legs, one is more skittish, one is content to be held and one has a little white spot on her comb. I'm hoping that with the addition of 4 more chicks (2 Dominiques and 2 Barnevelders) the differences will be as clear.
The list is long but here it goes!
Red stars- Molly Becky Pinky Goldie Millie Peggy Sam Abby KelC Psycho-Chicken DaisyDuke and 9 others who's names change with the weather
Lavender Orp- Snake
The chicks are still being named as their feathers and personalities develop but so far...
Easter Eggers- OwlFace Sparrow Beardo Fisticuffs and The Boss

GLW- Freckles Sweetie and Mama
Jersey Giant Roo-Vinny
Jersey Giant Pullet- Duckie
Speckled Sussex- Uma
Black Australorp- Lady

In time they will all get names I am sure!

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