Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

2 Silver laced wyandottes= Elizabeth taylor and Zsa zsa
2 speckled sussex's= Thelma and louise(sp?)
2 Barnevelders= Maxine and jijins ( 1 year old son called the chickens, Jijins. So that stuck as a name.
2 Welsummers= sprout and ruby
2 blue laced red wyandottes= jenny and herminie(sp?)
3 French black copper marans= The Kardashians
1 Blue copper maran= Ethelle. Fred got fried!
1 black Minorca= lola
6 cornish crosses= Dinner
Black (unknown breed) hen - Blackie (how original, haha)

White silkie roo - Benedict
Ginger Silkie hen - Scotch
Blue silkie roo - Stormy
Red star Hen: Skate
Silkie Rooster: Cloudy (With a chance of droppings) :D
Rhoed Island Red Hen: Penney
Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen: Lacey
Buff Orpington Hen: Goldie
Dark Brown Leghorn Hen: Koco
Black Star/Silkie mix Hen: Ebony
Black silkie Pullet: Mojo
White Silkie Cockerel: Murphy
Buff Silkie Pullet: Poppi
Blue Silkie ? : Ember
Barred Rock Hen: Missy
Barred Rock Hen: Lady
My Black Austrolorp Roo is named Mater
My Golden Lace Polish hen is named Bella

MY Buff Orpington hen Is named Buffy(little sisters... so creative)

My Rhode Island Red hen is Kippers
My Speckled Sussex hen is named Kevin
1. Cup Cake - D Anver x Black Australorp
2. Buffy - BO
3. Lu Lu - BO
4. Big Red - RIR
5. Little Red - RIR
6. Mini Red - RIR
7. Prudence - Light Brahma - got the name from a Beatles song :)
8. Lucy - CM
9. Little Momma - BR
10. Rickie - BR
11. Flo - BR
12. Raven - BA
11. Cheata Girl - mix BOxBA
12. Mini Cheata - mix BOxBA

we have 10 BR girls 1 yr old without names

Roosters names

Caden - Light Brahma
Benji - Mix breed
Hot shot - D Anver
Chong - BR - He had a brother name Cheech but we sold him lol
Simba - Mix breed
Grey Feathers - Mix breed
Shorty - Mix breed
I mostly have bantams, they are.

My black bantam is named Lucky, and her brother was a very pretty red-and-tan-colored roo named Charm. Her mother is Goldie, who Lucky had two chicks, one who looked like Charm named Pepper, and a black-and-white one named Moonlight.
I have a tiny bantam rooster named Maestro, and a white silkie named Snowflake. Two leghorn roos named Smoke and Leprechaun, an EE roo named Jordan(after the basketball player), two more bantam roos, a red-and-black one named Twilight, and a black-and-white one named Oreo.
We had an orange-and-ten hen at one point named Charlie, and a black bantie with gray fringe around her neck named Scruffy.

Our rhode island red chicks are named Sol and Munchkin, and we used to have a Poppy. Our barred rocks are Patsy and Miss Barnyard.
My ladies

Buff orpington/Easter Egger mix - Rosie
Barred Rock - Petunia
Easter Egger - Zinnia
Black Australorp - Myrtle

Love my girls!

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