Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

Sicilian Buttercup Roo: Clausidius
Sicilian Buttercup Hen: Dixie
Bantam Cochin (Mille Fleur): Flossie aka the speckled one, my husband can't be bothered to remember their names.
Bantam Cochin (Mille Fleur): Fannie aka the red one
Bantam Cochin Roo (Black Mottled): Mose, named because his egg had MO written on it. He was Mo before he was hatched!
Mine are named after TV personalities...

I got:

Martha (Stewart)
Ina (Garner)
Julia (Childs)
Racheal (Ray)
Padma (Lakshmi)

Giada, well, she's recently passed on to the gread pastures in the sky, with all you can eat scratch mix, worms included.
To help my children(f and 2) understand that our chickens we gave them all food related names:
Our red sex link is named McNughet for her nice golden brown buff.
my Welsummer is named Drumstick for the dark meat resembles her dark colextion
oir black Autralorp is named Noodle Soup cause she is oldy calm and very soothing
Then we have our rotten bantam Buff Brahmas:
We have cordon blu and dumpling...not my favorite of chicken vecause they are aggressive towards my smaller pullets... The brahmas ate already laying but the other 3 are bout 10 weeks
Roo the Dominque Rooster
Toast the Aracauna Rooster
The budgie twins- belgium antwerp/quail sister hens
Mama-bannie hen (bestest brooder I have)
Snowy- White frizzle
Midnight- black frizzle
Powder Puff- white silkie
Goofy-dominque/orphington roo
Meanie-white bannie hen

The rest of the hens are referred to as "the ladies"
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Mmm...well, our mutt roo- Jasper
buff orpington- Buffy...hey, it stuck. :)
Australorp- Esther
Ameracauna- Audrey
Lavender orpington- Pearl.

We had a barred rock we called Rosemary, but he 'turned' into another roo, so we found him another home. Shame, I really liked that name! :)
One day when I was 8 yrs. old my dad came home from work with a tiny little fuzzbut chick. The mother hen had been killed in the road and dogs were chasing the babies. My dad stopped to see what he could do. He couldn't stop the dogs and only managed to catch 1 baby chick. It turned out to be a roo and I called him "Phyrst " (pronounced First -hence my user name!) Later we got a few more banty chickens and that started me on the road to chickendom!
Another roo was Brillo - because he would clean up any leftovers!
"Only" was my first hen!
My sister got chicks when I was little... Their names were Fred (though it was a girl) and Wilma.. I don't know what kind they were, all I know is they were meat chickens. lol.

Our RR's are Lola and Eva (Lola because she is our show girl who likes to be the center of attention, and Eva from the movie Igor where he creates the giant monster who is super loveable...) Black sexlink is Poe (Husband named it for the raven, but I like to think it was for Legend of Zelda) Golden Sexlink are Arrittey and Chidori (Arrietty is small but not afraid to try and try again! and Chidori is LOUD...) Our Brahma is Rue (and she is my favorite!) and our Silkie is Coco!
Babbette my Salmon Favorelle
Abigail (Abby) my Australorp
Fiona my Speckled Sussex
Twila my Ameraucana
I have not named my Cuckoo Maran or my
Plymouth Rock yet

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