Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

Speckly grey/white Hen is called Sooty
Black Hen - Sweep
Light Brown - Tikka
Dark Brown - Masala

Just got 3 new speckly's (grey and white)

and either Liquorice or Humbug maybe, not quite decided, only got them an hour ago.

If you have reds, Indian names are great
I'm awful at names and couldn't remember them all unless there was some association involved.

1. Blue Andalusian - "Gracie"
2. Black Star with red head - "Rosie"
3. Black Star - all black - "Angora"
4. Red Star... def largest of the flock - "Fatty Patty"
5/6. Both Red Stars with blonde tail feathers - "Blondie" (and "Blondie 2")
7. Red Star who has a bit of a temper - "Thumper"
8. Red Star who favors a roo but really isn't - "Paulie"
9. Red Star... no distinctiveness - "Henrietta"
10. Same as above... "Henrietta 2"
mine are named
Eggs( needed to be done)
Toasty( dont know how that happened)
but yep i had some funny looking chickens (and being a homestuck fan that is how i came up with the names)
(jap slikie batam indoor chicken)gamzee makara
and a acarnana( sorry cant spell) john egbert
Easter egger-Princess
White Wyandotte- Snow Blazzer
Ameraucanas-rooy roo, midnight and black beauty
Blue ameraucana- Simon
Ameraucana execturer leghorn - bubbles and frecles
black pennys- quarter, nickel

we really have 76 chickens but i can't name them all right now!!!
Five identical black Australorps are all Blackie, first horse I ever rode. Buff Orpingtons are all Buffy for my sister's teddy bear. I use a Sharpie black pen to make line on legs for one through five. Silver Wyandottes are distinctive, but not named.
3 RIRs from day old chicks: Lilly, Molly, and Milly
2 RIR roos from day old: Leroy and Max
2 Cinnamon Queens I just got @ about 1 yr old: Thelma and Louise (they were re-homed quite a few times.)
1 Speckled Sussex roo (came with Thelma and Louise): Rasputin (he has only one eye)
7 BO and 3 WR 2 1/2 mos old : to be named
6 baby chicks......
Here's an updated list. Note: I have lost some and gained some since September 2011 when I posted last.

Leroy--16 mo RIR roo
Milly--16 mo RIR
Max--16 mo RIR roo
Baxter--almost 1 yr BO roo
Maggie--almost 1 yr BO
Annetta--almost 1 yr BO
Juliet--almost 1 yr BO
Chloe--almost 1 yr BO
Daphne--almost 1 yr BO
Patty--almost 1 yr WR
Maxine--almost 1 yr WR
Roxie-- 9 mo RIR
Velma--9 mo RIR
Pepper--9 mo BR
Jackie--9 mo BR
Grace--9 mo Black Australorp
Marc Antony--4 mo WR
Cleo--4 mo WR
Hazel--4 mo BO
Alice--4 mo BO

Five 4 mo be named
Three black "something" (from assorted bin) be named

FIVE new chicks just hatched in coop...two almost two months, three almost 2 be named.

Whew! And I thought remembering my four children's names was hard!!!! LOL

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