Chicken names?

I think it might be hard to name them til I can #1 really tell them apart when they are feathering out and #2 show some personality traits. I that weird? (although I mus say I ordered one cockerel-a partrige cochin who we plan to call Wyatt Earp cause Im building the coop to look like a wild west general store and Im turning the well house into a saloon....) and he isnt going to be here til Feb 2!
Silkies & Showgirls....have quite a few young ones without names yet

Jack Daniels
Steely Dan
Kenny Wayne
Zza Zza
Tina Turner
Bindi Sue
Joan Jet
ZZ Top
Calamity Jane
Belle Star
Annie Oakley
My new baby silkies are:

1. Jazmine
2. Rose
3. Iris
4. Daffodil
5. Lily
6. Baby
7. Angel

My other silkies are:

1. Daisy
2. Cleo (Cleopatra)
3. Boop Boop
4. Nancy
5. Cuddles
6. Sunny
7. Wattles
8. Alice
9. Queenie
10. Taco
11. Calico
12. Taz
Oh my goodness. I don't name mine until they show full feathered characteristics and personality, too. And I am woefully behind in naming some of mine.... plus I have a lot of chicks still growing.

But so far, I have:

Carl, the dominant EE rooster. (He was supposed to be a pullet named Carly in memory of my sister Carlanne.)
Buffy the Vampire Slaying Buff Orpington - she was very fierce, so it wasn't JUST because she's a Buff Orp!
Rebecca, who was in the Plymouth Rock - Barred bin at the feed store, so I gave her a New Englandy kind of name, but she turned out to be a partridge colored EE.
Matilda, the Black Australorp. She is gone now, and her replacement is Molly.
Greta, Black Sexlink (think Greta Garbo)
Minerva, Lakenvelder.
Charlie, bantam Buff Brahma roo
Alex, Silver Sebright roo
George, Silver Sebright roo
Alice, Silver Sebright
Joy, Golden Sebright
Gilda, EE
Emma, soft grey bantam EE
Angel, almost all white bantam EE
Rhoda, RIR
Betsy, BR
Lola, black Cochin
Samantha, EE - my first GrandChick! Rebecca was her egg mother and Carl her daddy - Buffy hatched her.
Shirley - Welsummer (her sister Laverne died of misadventure)
Kellog - Olive Egger roo
Rusty - Olive Egger roo
Red - a named rescue GLW
Phoebe - a named BLW given to me
Nugget, a bantam Cochin roo

In "Hospital" in the house:
Fritzie, a frizzled Cochin, not sure if it's a boy or girl yet. All better now, but is Yul's BFF, so still in the bathroom Hospital/Nursery, with
Yul, a Salmon Faverolle roo, who got his little head pecked bald

There are a LOT of un-named chickens and I'll get to naming them eventually.
I have 4 right now! But that number will grow of course lol!

Monica is my Dark Brahma. She was named after Monica from FRIENDS, very similar personalities lol!

Joon is my Barred Rock, named after mentally ill sister in Benny & Joon.

Munk is my Easter Egger and she was named Chipmunk because she had puffy cheeks and the markings of a chipmunk when she was little. Now it's shortened to "Munk".

Butternut was named after a diabetic horse that died from a diabetic coma in a really funny comedy movie (can't say name here though)

gryeyes' Wyandotte Phoebe was named after the show FRIENDS as well because Phoebe Buffet is a little crazy and street savvy, and the little blue featherball reminded me of her

My next names will be celtic or gaelic though
I have an entire corn family for the Mille Fleurs. Indian corn, Carmel corn and Candy corn. Popcorn and Acorn are the Seabrites. Seems to fit them.
My kids decided to go with movie character names. (2 of them are not, 1 I named, 1 my son named)

Our girls are Annie, Bella, Wednesday, Buffy, Jessie, Ducky and then there's Faith and Rose who don't have movie names. I'm going to be hatching eggs soon and hope to have 2 more hens and their names will be Abby and Zoe (like from Sesame Street).

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