Chicken noob from Kentucky!!


Dec 1, 2015
Hello everyone I started my backyard flock of 6 hens. They are 6 weeks old now and I'm just so excited! I have one hen with a scissor beak so anyone with insight or tips in always hear to listen!!
Welcome to BYC

Have you read this article yet?
Yes I have. My chick got scissor beak at about 2 weeks old so she is growing very slowly. She seems strong and fiesty. So I won't give up on her
Welcome to BYC! What kind of chickens do you have? Feel free to ask questions, and post pictures of your chicks. If you haven't already, I'd suggest posting in the emergencies, diseases and cures department. Good luck, glad you joined!
sometimes you can trim a little on the beak to line it up a little better..... I did it once but I was nervous as-all-get-out,but it did help with the eating a little... also you can make her food a little mushy (add a little water to her chick starter) she will be able to eat it better if it's sticky ... and I would scramble an egg and put in there for good measure,just to give her a little boost so she doesn't get weak on ya...good luck and glad you are here
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Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. The other members have given you some good advice regarding scissor beak. If you haven't done so already, definitely check out our Learning Center at There is lots of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. I hope your chick will be okay.
glad you have joined us.

So sorry about the scissors beak issue, but there are many heartwarming accounts of how happy any chicken with special needs can be with TLC.
It may help if you pile the chicken feed up so she is apt to connect with some despite her crooked beak. Chickens also like scrambled eggs

It looks like you've already received some great tips so I'll just say thanks for joining us!

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