Chicken novice...


6 Years
Jan 12, 2014
London, England
Hi. I'm new to this - so new infact that I haven't even bought my chickens yet!! I bought their coop today so it's a work in progress! Any recommendations for breeds? Ideally good, regular layers?
Just remember to build bigger than you think you need! Chicken math is confusing. Start out with 4 and all of a sudden there's 30 in the coop!
Get breeds that you want. Do you want meat? Or laying? Big? Small? Hardy? Find people in your area that already have chickens and talk to them. Good Luck!
Hi again!

Thank you all very much for your advice. My strange name - "BigGingerDaphne" comes from a suggestion a friend had recently. She heard I was getting chickens and she said, "buy a big ginger one and call it 'Daphne!'" Anyway, just thought I'd explain that! I'm still looking into breeds and am in the process of getting the coop assembled. It will need lots of fox-proofing, we have a big urban fox problem in my neighbourhood (South London). Any fox-proofing tips from you lovely people? X

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