Chicken panting


11 Years
Mar 5, 2013
Hi. I live in Vegas and it’s about 94F these days. My landlord owns chickens. They live in the backyard. I noticed one is panting everytime I check on it. It still gets up to eat. Spends most of the time laying down. Does not have wings spread out but pants a lot. I told my landlord and all she said was, “they’ll be fine.” She has water available and food at all times. They have plenty of shade. Should I be concerned? The law here is they must have additional cooling at 105f but if they are panting under 105F I can call animal control. I did spray them with water today but that’s all I can do since my landlord doesn’t accept my help. She does not live here but said she takes the chickens to another state once it gets hotter. She has had them for 4 years. Should I be concerned about the panting? I don’t want to cause problems but If I have to I will call animal control and will have to move out.


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At 94 degrees, with plenty of shade and water available, they should be fine. Mine get really lazy in the heat and just lay around a lot. If you can, make sure their water is cool, either by changing it frequently or putting ice in it. You can also hose down the ground. That will cool it down a bit. A wouldn't directly spray them with water though. Sounds like an awkward situation though since they're not yours. Is tending the chickens part of your tenant duties? Seems odd she'd keep live animals in a house she doesn't live near.
At 94 degrees, with plenty of shade and water available, they should be fine. Mine get really lazy in the heat and just lay around a lot. If you can, make sure their water is cool, either by changing it frequently or putting ice in it. You can also hose down the ground. That will cool it down a bit. A wouldn't directly spray them with water though. Sounds like an awkward situation though since they're not yours. Is tending the chickens part of your tenant duties? Seems odd she'd keep live animals in a house she doesn't live near.
Taking care of them is not my duty. I just rent here. I don’t feel comfortable adding ice to their water since when I mentioned I was concerned about the panting she said they were fine. I think if I offer more suggestions she’ll get offended. What about spraying their feet only to cool them off? So you think even though the one is panting on a regular basis it will be fine? I would feel bad if something happened to them.
Do you know what the temperature is in the shade? I would also check what temp their water is at - if it's too hot the chickens won't drink it.
Two of them are definitely drinking. I haven’t seen the one that is panting drink it.
Panting is normal to see a chicken doing when the temperature is hot. Each chicken breed has its own tolerance to certain temperatures. Here, where I raise multiple breeds, hybrids and mixes, the typical temperature that chickens usually begin to pant at is eighty-five and above. As long as they have fresh, cool water to drink, and shade to rest in, they will be fine. When it is hot, chickens need less feed than normal because eating warms them.

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