Chicken Pasture Composition Recommendations

Hi all,
I'm fencing off four "mini pastures" in the chicken enclosure in my backyard to provide them with forage opportunities. Wanted to get some feedback on what a good seed mix would be that is both beneficial for the chickens and the soil. I'm located in Idaho so my growing season is relatively short and I want to avoid plants that are invasive to the area. Here are some of the ideas I've come up with thru some googling. Would love to hear other's thoughts. Cowpea and snowpea on the fences for shade and forage. Radish and carrot for forage and to prevent soil compaction. Parsley, oregano, dwarf basil, thyme, calendula for medicinal properties. Mustard for forage. Dwarf shelling pea and white clover for nitrogen fixation and forage. Thanks!
Wonder how you proceeded (guess I should read the entire thread). But, I had to pop in and say this whole permaculture/chicken pasture concept has me beyond intrigued. Been listening to Mr. Rhodes about it all. While doing so I stumbled upon True Leaf Market and I am ecstatic to have their free pdf about it and I am going to order the product from the link. Also glad to know I do not have to wait until Spring to do this.

K, I'm off to read the thread to see what I missed. You may have answered what you decided upon in it.

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