Chicken pecking problems


10 Years
Jun 8, 2014
I have 10 young barred rock hens and one rooster that I hatched at the same time this spring (late April, I think). The hens are just starting to lay well (8-9 per day now), and one of the hens has started pecking the feathers off of one other hen and the rooster. This morning I saw her actually eat the feather. I have read through the threads and come to the conclusion that it could be lack of protein or simple boredom. I think they have plenty of room in the yard. The coop is a 10 by 10 barn, with 6 nesting boxes, even though they tend to use 2 most of the time. They are eating scratch and layena pellets, with an assortment of vegies and weeds that I throw in the yard. I'm new to this chicken-raising stuff, and I need advice on what to do. Thanks.

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