Chicken poops pebble size poop


In the Brooder
Mar 31, 2020
Hello just want to know if this is normal.. When she's outside she poops normal size poop is say but once I brink her indoors or when she's out in the patio she tends to pebble size poop. Is this normal?... I have attached a phony of the poop she does every now and then. The poop seems like it has grass/hay .


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I don't think anything to be alarmed about. If there seems to be some undigested grass particles, maybe chicken is low on grit in her gizzard. Offer her some grit stones from the ground if you can find some near. You can purchase chicken grit also. It is not a necessity to purchase if chickens free-range on mother earth. Some areas, may have limited availability, so try to offer what you can. I always offer Cracked Oyster Shells free-choice to my chickens. That will act as grit until it gets dissolved, and utilized as calcium. Does not serve the purpose of grit as long as other stones would.
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and:welcome
I might check her crop first thing in the morning, and feel for any impactions. The amount of undigested grass matter in her feces is a little concerning. Maybe you could add your location, as @cavemanrich said, grit availability partially depends on your location, I live near a stream so sand and pebbles are of adequate supply, but if you live near a boggy swamp in Florida the availability may be low, I'd start offering insoluble chick grit in a sperate dish. Grit does not help to prevent crop impactions, so if she did have one you'd have to isolate the source, like some chickens have a tendency to eat loose hay.

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