Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

Muggs is a big enabler!
I have always wanted either pilgrim geese or sebbies. And just love the welsh harlequins too. Maybe next year!

You know who to call, sister! Oh, I hope I'll have some fertile Sebbie eggs next year! Along with WH's!
I'm looking for that big ol' farm of my I have room to expand.

Yes I do!
I want to move too!
You know who to call, sister! Oh, I hope I'll have some fertile Sebbie eggs next year! Along with WH's!
I'm looking for that big ol' farm of my I have room to expand.

Yes I do!
I want to move too!

To a place that is warm year round? Winter lasts 8 months here, I swear. I don't know how Alaskans do it!
I so love Cayugas. I have 3 at the awkward, mostly fuzzy state with some feather shafts starting to show blue... And they're already bigger than the 3 ten week old call ducks with which I've just housed them. The joining went well; I wanted to get them in there before they totally loomed over the calls like Frankenducks.

Louie, my adult Cayuga drake widower, is fascinated by the pen full of new ducks. He's gotten very protective of them.
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That's a good thing! Look at all the friends he will have to play with soon! At what age can you merge them? I don't know how ducks work vs. how we integrate chickens to each other?
I can't tell if my ducks are male or female?????? I have 3 for sure "quackers" so they are girls right??? The others just peep like baby ducks peep. Do you think those are boys???? They are almost 8 weeks old. I should be able to tell by now right????

Linda or Meagan any tips?????
I would be of no help. I just watched a video (Metzer Farms) on vent sexing day old ducklings, but they said that was no help after a few days.
All I know to look for (other than feather differences) is that curled tail feather the males have. Like on a Pekin, the feather flips over towards the duck's back. Not sure when that becomes obvious.
What I adore most about chicken addiction - is that it seems to affect those with a great sense of humor. Write On! Make me cackle. You chicken people really crack me up.
I found a really good video on youtube that showed the difference in the sounds they make. When you pick one up and it makes a loud "quack" sound that is for sure a girl. The boys make a deep raspy sound that sounds nothing like a quack and is not very loud at all. So if you have LOUD ones they are girls. I can tell my girls easy but I have none that make a raspy sound. It is either peeps or Quacks.
So I for sure have 3 girls and possible 5 BOYS! Ughhhh! I am not patient enough to wait till they are 4 months old for a drake feather curl on their tails.
I have a litte mixed pullet I hatched from my buff orpington pen. She has the cutest personality. Every morning when I slid the lid on the brooder back I take their water out and refill it and when I place it back in the brooder, Stripes jumps onto of the waterer and then flys onto the top of the brooder and waits to be caught and placed back in the brooder. Its so cute. In the morning, I'm going to try and take the camera with me.

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