Chicken regret?

Oh and if you are keeping it that clean, I can't imagine what smells the neighbor is complaining about? Maybe their imagination is taking over? If you are allowed to keep chickens, I wouldn't worry. I might talk to the neighbor if I knew them enough to do so otherwise it's just neighborhood hearsay.
Yea I approached them first becuase the guy who tipped me off got the neighbour wrong and thought it was the other side. I apologised and explained I didn't want to upset any one and if they had any problems just to come and speak to me.
I do think I'm probably worrying about something thatight not happen but it's nice to get some feed back from people who actually own chickens and get it!
I was worried about some of my neighbors reacting badly but got ahead of the problem by letting them know about my getting chickens weeks before I did it (I know that doesn't help you in this case) and I also invited the two next door neighbors and one behind me over for some treats and a chicken-viewing party. I gave them eggs, told them which egg came from which hen, let them pet the girls, and see the setup. It really helped with the two neighbors who were iffy to have my one neighbor who was 100% in favor backing up everything I said. This leant me some credibility and helped with positive peer pressure! :cool: My two iffy neighbors also both had kids who looooved my flock. That helped, too. Now I hear the dad and kids making bocking noises and talking about chickens on the other side of the fence. :lau
Unfortunately I need to be central for my job.
I have two dogs and they bark.... A large reason for the fence as seeing/hearing people sets off my older one who is really anxious. I bet they couldn't believe who moved in next door. But how could you not love these faces?
It seems to me that if the complaining neighbor were that concerned about the chickens, he would come to you directly instead of gossiping to someone who can’t do anything about it.

As far as worrying about people talking about you... You can’t please everyone. No matter where you go or what you do, there’s always gonna be that one person. No matter what you do, they’re going to find something to complain about. Don’t let those people steal your joy. I’m not just talking about chickens here.
Your setup is lovely for a smaller backyard, and looks well kept. It might be a little tight for the number of birds but you did a good job adding levels and interest to the space. I think the complaining neighbor is just complaining, some people are just like that.

If you enjoy your chickens, then no reason not to keep them. If the noise is getting to you and stressing you out (and some birds are just louder than others), maybe you could consider rehoming the noisier ones, if you know which ones those are, just to keep peace in the neighborhood, so to speak.

Also I personally don't keep feeders out at night because as you noted, they can attract rodents.

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