Chicken repeatedly scraping beak on stone patio?


10 Years
Mar 7, 2009
where chickens dare to tread..
Back and forth, back and forth she's scraping it on the stones. Any idea why?

This poor hen, Rosie, has had a tough time lately. Not one of her eggs hatched (why she's out in the yard in stead of the coop/pen; we're trying to break her broodiness.) I tried to reintegrate her into the flock today... put them in a neutral area with fencing between her and them. One of the other hens was so crazy that she pecked a hole through the chicken fencing to get at her!! She bloodied Rosie really badly.

So now my poor pet chicken is hiding on my patio, scraping her beak. I feel like she's been pushed over the edge. :(
I could be completely wrong but I have seen my girls scrape their beaks in the rock drive way w/o any problems... Maybe she is preparing for battle (a joke) & sharpening her weapon? I will watch this post to see what more experienced chicken owns say! I'm so sorry to hear she has been having a hard time w/ her flock... I had to re-home a broody hen for that reason. I miss her dearly! Good luck!
It's either to clean their beaks, or an expression of frustration/intimidation. Think of it like a person drumming their nails on a desk.
Mine scrape their beaks back and forth every day, I dont know why but they do. They do this so frequently I thought it was normal...
I hope your hen is ok :)
All 18 of my birds scrape their beaks on my concrete sidewalk, usually after eating the zucchini I give them daily as a treat to clean their beaks, but sometimes they do it just to do it. I personally wouldn't worry about this behavior.
Sorry about Rosie getting picked on
Ok, this makes me feel better. Thanks everybody!

I am seriously thinking of rehoming the other two girls. Sometimes I think we made Rosie too much of a person (she's a wonderful pet and therapy animal!) and now the other chickens think she's not allowed. Hence, the constant beating up. We'll see.
I have only seen my chicks scrape their beaks after eating plain Greek yogurt. It's like they are cleaning their beaks, and they also peck each other's beaks like they are kissing. I think it's just to clean the yogurt off. I suppose they would lick it off if they could. LOL

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