Chicken rookie


Hi Pam, some birds mature at a slower rate than others but so as long as they are eating/drinking/pooping ok, they're fine. Several years ago I raised a trio of Speckled Sussex and one was much slower growing than the other two (but she caught up eventually) being slower to mature can happen even within the same breed.

Make yourself at home here!
thank you, both parts (eating and pooping) of the chicken work great. lol
Hello Pam, and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
Your Ameraucana may be late bloomers. They all mature at their own rate.
Bossy may have a vision issue. As long as she can eventually eat, just monitor her weight. I have a one eyed hen who is mid-ranking and does just fine finding enough to eat.
thank you, I am watching her to make sure stays the same as all the other girls.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Oh I hope bossy is ok! Do you think this vision issue is in one eye or both? They can adapt fairly easy to using one eye if this is the case. Just watch her closely and maybe pamper her a bit more than the others. I once had a hen that had some vision issues and daily I'd sit with her and hand feed her. She did ok and loved the attention.

Enjoy your flock and welcome to ours!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Oh I hope bossy is ok! Do you think this vision issue is in one eye or both? They can adapt fairly easy to using one eye if this is the case. Just watch her closely and maybe pamper her a bit more than the others. I once had a hen that had some vision issues and daily I'd sit with her and hand feed her. She did ok and loved the attention.

Enjoy your flock and welcome to ours!
thank you, both eyes are clear and I do watch her careful since I noticed this issue
Welcome to Backyard Chickens. This is a great place to explore and hang out.

Welcome to BYC!
Most of the chicken breeds you keep have a comb type called a single comb. Ameraucanas have a different comb type, called a pea comb. Pea combs are smaller then single combs, so they don't grow as fast or as big.

Also, if you got your Ameraucanas from a feed store or hatchery, they are most likely Easter Eggers. Still really great birds, but not pure bred.
thank you for that information

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