Chicken run, free ranging, run


Mar 18, 2020
Hi everyone,

I have 10 chickens, 20 1/2 weeks old that are just starting (3 so far) to lay eggs. I'm not sure whether it's hormonal or what, but my alpha chicken (Marilyn) has started plucking feathers. At first it just seemed to occur about an hour before roosting time. Today I caught her doing it at 11 am. Long story, but they are right now in a run that is meant to be temporary, until we 1) build them a proper run and 2) fence off (with electric fencing) an area for them to be more free ranging. The only reason I can imagine for the feather picking is boredom, which leads me to Problem #2 - three of my girls (including Marilyn) escaped today. It was easy enough to lure them home, but a concern because it appears they may have gotten out by flying up 4 feet and through a zone where there is no netting. So...1) Any ideas of how to stop the feather picking? 2) We were going to have part of their free range area with a 4' fence, but now wonder if they will escape. Overall, they are extremely affectionate girls. (They get A LOT of attention from me.) I adore them with all my heart! The only thing I could think to do for Marilyn was to separate her out. I put her yesterday in an area between fencing and netting so she could stay close. Today I supervised her free ranging. She was very anxious without the rest of the flock and/or me around. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
Is she picking her own feathers or other birds feathers? If it's other bird's feathers then it's probably a pecking order thing or they could just be bored. My chickens did this for a while so we put some red items such as the red checker pieces from the game in the run so they'd have something to peck on other than each other. They seem to be attracted to red colored things like other birds skin and blood and what not. If it's her own feathers I'm not really sure what to do about that other than just let her do her thing and see if it stops eventually. My chickens haven't tried to jump a 4' fence that I know of unless they're scared or exited. I'd suggest clipping their wing feathers for that one if you haven't already done so. if that doesn't work then I guess 4' isn't enough for these birds.
What are you feeding them?
Is she eating the feathers or just plucking them?
If she's eating feathers it's possible she maybe needing more protein. If she's plucking others, it's possible she's bored, although if eating she's needing more protein. If she's plucking herself in the chest/underside area, she maybe wanting to line the nest and going broody.

4' isn't very high for chickens ... You'll need to use some bird netting to cover the whole top. Glad you were able to coax them back, no matter how "tame and affectionate" you've been with them, they are chickens.
Is she picking her own feathers or other birds feathers? If it's other bird's feathers then it's probably a pecking order thing or they could just be bored. My chickens did this for a while so we put some red items such as the red checker pieces from the game in the run so they'd have something to peck on other than each other. They seem to be attracted to red colored things like other birds skin and blood and what not. If it's her own feathers I'm not really sure what to do about that other than just let her do her thing and see if it stops eventually. My chickens haven't tried to jump a 4' fence that I know of unless they're scared or exited. I'd suggest clipping their wing feathers for that one if you haven't already done so. if that doesn't work then I guess 4' isn't enough for these birds.
She is picking other birds' feather. I suspect she is bored. I tried experimental free ranging today. Once, by herself, she was wanting to go back to her flock, or be near me. I tried again with a second chicken, and the two seemed quite content, but also not straying far from the run. I'll look for the red checker pieces. Thanks!
What are you feeding them?
Is she eating the feathers or just plucking them?
If she's eating feathers it's possible she maybe needing more protein. If she's plucking others, it's possible she's bored, although if eating she's needing more protein. If she's plucking herself in the chest/underside area, she maybe wanting to line the nest and going broody.

4' isn't very high for chickens ... You'll need to use some bird netting to cover the whole top. Glad you were able to coax them back, no matter how "tame and affectionate" you've been with them, they are chickens.
She is plucking the other birds and eating right afterwards I'm feeding them organic layer feed, and also giving them treats through the day - sunflower seeds, cantaloupe innards (after my breakfast), plain yogurt (they love it!). Maybe I'll try scrambled eggs or something as a treat?
How big is your area? Sq ft of run...and coop.If it's not big enough... it leads to all sorts of problems like this.
10 chickens - the coop is 48 sf, the run is approx 120 sf. I'd like to free range them, but we haven't yet put in the fencing in our yard.
Is she picking her own feathers or other birds feathers? If it's other bird's feathers then it's probably a pecking order thing or they could just be bored. My chickens did this for a while so we put some red items such as the red checker pieces from the game in the run so they'd have something to peck on other than each other. They seem to be attracted to red colored things like other birds skin and blood and what not. If it's her own feathers I'm not really sure what to do about that other than just let her do her thing and see if it stops eventually. My chickens haven't tried to jump a 4' fence that I know of unless they're scared or exited. I'd suggest clipping their wing feathers for that one if you haven't already done so. if that doesn't work then I guess 4' isn't enough for these birds.
If only 3 of 10 are laying I would not be feeding them later feed yet. Layer feed is high in calcium that can be detrimental to non laying birds. I would keep them on starter/grower or an all flock feed with supplemental oyster shells at least until everyone is laying. I plan to just feed the starter/grower or all flock with supplemental oyster shells at all times throughout the year as we always seem to have someone that is not actively laying for some reason or another.
If only 3 of 10 are laying I would not be feeding them later feed yet. Layer feed is high in calcium that can be detrimental to non laying birds. I would keep them on starter/grower or an all flock feed with supplemental oyster shells at least until everyone is laying. I plan to just feed the starter/grower or all flock with supplemental oyster shells at all times throughout the year as we always seem to have someone that is not actively laying for some reason or another.
Interesting. I'll look into it.

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