Chicken run/Garden area


Nov 16, 2020
Bethel, Maine
I have a coup centered between 2 enclosed garden areas. For 1 year the chickens use 1 area while the garden is in the other. The next year I reverse it. It gives the garden soil a year to "rest" and get fertilized by the chickens. Once everything in the garden has been harvested I switch the chickens to that area. I have a "gate"(just a section of fence) that opens one way for one area and opens the other way for the other while using the same coup. They love cleaning up everything that's left over in the garden! They also help eliminate insects, weeds and their seeds. It's a win win for all of us :)
If I knew I would be able to catch the chickens, I'd do it. They don't let me pick them up. I was hoping to "rent" them to the neighbors for their garden too, but that won't work. So if I can't take them to the garden, I can take their poop to the garden, via the compost. And bring the garden to them when I clean up weeds and spent plants.

Good luck though! Wish I could do it that way.
If I knew I would be able to catch the chickens, I'd do it. They don't let me pick them up. I was hoping to "rent" them to the neighbors for their garden too, but that won't work. So if I can't take them to the garden, I can take their poop to the garden, via the compost. And bring the garden to them when I clean up weeds and spent plants.

Good luck though! Wish I could do it that way.
Don't feel bad about not being able to catch them, can't catch mine either :( When one or more do get out of the enclosure I throw some cracked corn on the inside and just open the gate, they go right back in. Maybe you could "guide" yours into the garden with a light trail of cracked corn...
I have a coup centered between 2 enclosed garden areas. For 1 year the chickens use 1 area while the garden is in the other. The next year I reverse it. It gives the garden soil a year to "rest" and get fertilized by the chickens. Once everything in the garden has been harvested I switch the chickens to that area. I have a "gate"(just a section of fence) that opens one way for one area and opens the other way for the other while using the same coup. They love cleaning up everything that's left over in the garden! They also help eliminate insects, weeds and their seeds. It's a win win for all of us :)
We needs pics!!

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