The ones coming out of the coop are 8/2 ft 2/4s cut 2' long with 1/4 s 8' screwed into 2/4s
then wire2/4" holes 14 gauge about 48" tall was put on with chicken wire staples
ends left open.
The ones going through the garden are 3 ft wide 10 ft long same construction but the wire is 5 ft tall and I think its 12 gauge.any way it's heaver wire .but the hole thing still not heavy
to connect the ends just let wire extend past end about 2" and shoved then together.
I don't have a predator problem except neighbors dogs hope I have it handled.
To turn I cut hole where I need and put the other one up against it use J clips to make door.
Don't cut the grass first they eat every bit .In a week wont be nothing but dirt.
After your crop is through just put these over it and they will consume whats left and clean it up .