Chicken run

Grandmas Ladies

In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 18, 2014
Barkhamsted, CT

We are in the process of ordering the fill for the Ladies run. We were leaning towards sand after reading so many great experiences with the sand. We have been calling everywhere and no one around here has heard of River Sand. They actually laugh saying they never heard of it. We were wondering if Pool sand, the sand placed under an above ground pool liner, would be safe for the Ladies.
We would like to add the fill before we finish the sides of the run. As you can see we are still working on this.
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Pool sand tends to be 'dusty'...way too fine. Yes, you are correct when asking for river sand and/or construction-grade sand. I've asked for it and have gotten the same replies...I even took a picture of the dang stuff and they still thought I was nuts....go figure.
Haven't...yet! I'm still trying to locate the "right" stuff....
Plus it's getting too late in the year almost for me to even think about changing out the run bedding. Even if I could get a truck load delivered it would need spreading out so it can dry...sand almost always gets delivered very damp and I don't want that with the big freeze heading our way....almost beginning to look like a spring-time project!
A quarry should have something you can use. You want coarse sand that is larger in grain size. Around me they sell course washed sand, and I have used that for several years with excellent results. My experience with pool sand is it is much too fine, and retains water instead of draining it. When we had our pool installed, the sand was put in, and then it rained. We had to wait 2 weeks before the pool could go up as the pool sand would not drain. You could walk on it, and you could see the 4" layer of sand "floating" on top of the water underneath it. Hope you find the right sand soon!
I just realized you live in the same town I do. I bought my coarse sand at Iffland Lumber in Torrington - they sell it in bulk, so you need a pickup or trailer. If you want to stop by and see what the sand looks like in my coop run, let me know! I bought 2 yards to fill in my 15x15 run, and annually add 1 yard to freshen up the sand each year. I have a roof over my run, so it stays nice and dry. The chickens love it!

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Thanks nice coop and run. My husband bought beach sand from Canavos. I think it will work getting delivered on Monday morning. Are you on 179 towards Hartland?

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