Chicken runs-What do you attach woven wire to 2 x 4's with?

There A Chick

15 Years
Jun 7, 2008
Kelley, IA
I'm new and I'll post pics of my coop very soon but for now, I want to make the run but all of the pics I've found here and online don't show me a close-up so I can't tell what type of nail or screw to use to attach the wire to the 2 x 4's.

Thanks in advance.
Staple Gun??

Zip Ties??

Good luck...
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We used staples and then we put 2x4's over that even. We wanted to make sure the predators really have to work at trying to get in. May give us time to sneak down there and do the varmints in before they do likewise to our flock.
I have a light duty staple gun but I imagine that I will need a heavy duty staple gun?

Question about fence staples--Those are heavy duty? How do you get them in? Some kind of fence staple gun?

Ha! I have one of those fencing pliers. So, are you supposed to use that like a hammer and pound the staples in? I am pretty clueless, you cannot insult my intelligence. LOL!
There 3 sizes of fence staples I would use one of these, long-1 1/2", short 1", and small 1/2" all look the same. They are for holding they have barbs that make them hard to pull out. Dont use staples that are used in a gun they will pull out and dont adjust them by pinching them together; this what they are designed to do is widen out as they are driven so they wont pull out!
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I think some people also use big washers with small holes in the middle so you can screw them in. The washer holds the wire flat to the board, and the hole in the middle of the washer is small enough so the screw doesn't slip all the way through.
My husband used a heavy duty staple gun, and I have to admit that he said it was the most agrravating/difficult part of the project. He's a big guy with strong hands, but even he was sore by the end of the day.

I think if he had a pneumatic staple gun it might have been easier.


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