chicken runs


8 Years
Mar 15, 2011
Northern Kentucky
I had an epiphany this morning while out trying to measure/design/visualize my coop and run. I have a long fence line that backs up to an abandoned (and unmowed) housing developement and each year we are invaded by ticks and other nasty bugs and weeds. I thought perhaps I could build a run the length of that fence line (in addition to their regular area) and let the girls do what they do best- eat bugs and dig things up. I plan on partitioning it so that they have 'fresh' forage a few times each season. Here's the catch, though: I want my fence line to look PRETTY. Therefore, I will landscape on the house side of the run and I'm hoping to get something that will overshadow their 'skinny run' (lilacs or something. That brings me to my question:

What is the shortest run I can get by with for Araucana, Barred Rocks, and other standards?


What is the shortest I can get by with for bantams?

While we are talking height, there will be a cover so flightiness shouldn't be an issue.
Thanks, wannabechick! I think I'll just build the short runs 20 -24 inches high and 24 inches wide and see what happens.
Honestly, a 24 inch run probably wouldn't contain 4 wk old Really, I'd go for a 4 ft. fence. Your bantams can really jump and fly high. But even your heavier birds would have no problems with 24 inch fence. Now, your bantams will definitely be able to fly higher than 4 ft, but if there's good weeds/grass in there, there's a good chance they won't try. Or you can clip wing feathers...

ETA: Duhhhh...sorry - just saw that it would be covered. Oh DD noted, getting down to clean out a covered, 2 ft. high run would be horrible. Unless you made the cover removable???
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I plan on it being about 120 feet long, in ten foot sections that I can close off from one another. They will only have access to one section at a time. That means I can let them have a different section every 2 weeks culminating in turning them loose in the veggie garden at the end of the fall. I also planned on making the lid hinged with a latch. I'll start with two ten foot sections and see how that goes.
I guess I should mention that this won't be the only run. It will be a "tunnel" connected to the 11x9 ft run I have planned and for the express purpose of allow the girls to go on 'tick patrol'. I'm desperate to control them and the city does nothing about the property behind us.

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