Chicken Saddle-I got carried away!!!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 29, 2008
I had a chicken that needed a chicken saddle. I made her one and got carried away and made more. Here is a picture of my chicken wearing her saddle, hers is light blue canvas) and a picture of what the extra saddles look like. They are reversible, sunflowers on one side and denim on ther other. If you are interested in buying one let me know.
Oh my gosh, those are so cute! They must be the best dressed chickens in the neighborhood.
Are your other girls jealous now?
I could make one if I had any idea what size a ringneck dove is. Are they close to the size of bantam chickens or still alot smaller? I think that I will probably charge $6.00 were it is smaller and I don't know exactly what size to make it. Shipping would be $1.50. The bigger ones are $7.00 each.
I have 4 Turkens an One Big RIR Roo. Cossette keeps getting "wounds" to the back of her neck from Roo's attentions. Do you knit tutle necks too?

Lovely the way.

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