chicken saddles to prevent feather picking?


7 Years
Mar 17, 2013
Has anyone tried using a chicken saddle to stop hens from picking and eating feathers? I have started giving gamebird feed to up their protein. They get lots of fresh veggies, Dumor layer pellets, scratch and I am getting 1000 crickets and 5000 mealworms delivered tomorrow to start my own little bug farm for more protein. Their run is 9x5 plus under coop, so I know they aren't crowded. I also have some parrot toys in there (have you ever SEEN hens go silly over their reflection in a mirror? Hilarious!) I have three hens and two are bald on their backs, in front of their tails, an area about 4" square. I think that maybe the saddles might prevent more plucking and allow new feathers to grow in unmolested. Anyone have input?
Catherine in Arlington TX
I made them and put them on a week ago. It seems to be helping, they stay put (I used velcro to attach elastic straps instead of snaps) and I hope within a week or so I will see new feather growth. As a minimum, they can't self pluck new bloodfeathers or peck at each other. I made my aprons to match their feathers since I am a cotton fabric quilting junky! I will post an update in a week or so. I also followed another byc suggestion to put "black salve" on the bare patches. I know the girls got the wrong idea right away.. they squatted for breeding. *smacks forehead*. At least they stood still while I adjusted the aprons!!!

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