Chicken Safe

chicken stalker

TOS Rocks!
16 Years
Aug 31, 2008
Binghamton, NY
My husband brought home an old pie safe that he used as a rabbit hutch when he was a child. It was buried in a corner of his chicldhood home's garage. It has been 25 years since it has been touch. It even still had rabbit droppings inside..ewww
. It was in pretty bad shape. The legs are rotten and thus uneven and the door had fell off when we tried to open it (rot again). I saw potential. I am converting it to a quarintine/Brooder pen.

Today I fixed the screens, cut the shelves. The top level has a nesting box and a roosting pole (once I attach it). The bottom level is where they can scratch around and I'm going to put the food down there also. I put one of my standard hens in to test out the space. Looks like 2 hens will fit nicely.


Further ideas.....

1. Feed and water: I would like to find a flat feeder or waterer so I can stick it on the side and they can have more room. An old rabbit feeder will work for food but I need ideas for water.

2. screen the bottom (between the legs and have an access so they have one more level of fun. I could even bring it outside on nice a chicken tractor.

3. Paint....I was thinking of painting it like an old nurses cabinet (white with a red cross) or giving it a country mural.

What do you think. any ideas???
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Wow! I don't think I would have the heart to cut it...I would have refinished it and put it in our'm sentimental like that.
But since you plan on using it I'd put the feed and waterer up where they won't be pooping in it, but of course they have access to it at all times. If you plan to paint it, be careful what type of paint you use and I would only paint the outside, so they don't go eating paint chips!
But you've done a great job so far!!!
My husband brought it home hoping to save it but it was in to bad of a condition to save. Most of the wood was rotten and the screens are damaged and some rusty. I would have loved to have been able to save it. But I would have ended up rebuilding the whoole thing. Plus it wasn't a true antique, it was a replica. So I didn't feel quite as bad cuting the shelves.
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I think that is super cool (and I'd probably try to put it in my house too) - haa haa!

I have a rabbit feeder for my oyster shell. We just clipped down the "flaps" that you would fold over a cage and then screwed it in to the wall. Technically, it would probably work for water too, but you'd have to fill it every day since it's not very big. You're not talking about 100 chickens either.

My four girls are still using their chick waterer. Seems to do the trick and doesn't take up much space.

I'd paint it white, too. Show us some photos during your progress - I love it!
Oh, it was a replica??? Well, then in that case...cut away!
Yes, please do post pics when you are done! I'd LOVE to see it!!!

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