Chicken Sex on RIR Mixes


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 21, 2013
South Texas

Trying to figure out the sex on these lil buggers....the top right corner is a sizzle and the bottom row solid black is a silkie mix with smooth feathering...both have the same mom...2nd row middle is the only to my knowledge purebreed RIR chick I came from hatching eggs I had shipped....The rainbow colors came from my 2 RIR hens who were supposed to be exposed to RIR Roos when I bought the adult birds....NOT SO MUCH....I have white, tan, black, orangy red, red and a red with a black spike chick....totally crazy! I'm new to chickens so I have no idea what sex these are....A friend would like a pullet to add to her I would like to hopefully give her one so she does add a roo and her kiddos be disappointed when they have to give it back cause they are city dwellers
Thanks a bunch for any help...I can try and get better picks if needed
How old are they all? The second chick in the middle row looks like a pullet and the red with black , second down in the end row also looks like maybe a pullet. I wouldn,t even venture a guess on the silkie at this age. The chick in the biggest picture is looks like a roo. If I had to guess I'd actually say roo for all the chicks in corner pictures. Everyone else is questionable too. They just looks a little too young yet.

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