Chicken sickness


5 Years
Nov 20, 2014
I have 8 barred rock chickens that are about two months old. Earlier this week I had two chicken that would just sit down in my coop and not walk. Then later that day one of the died so I took the other chicken out to isolate her. Now I afraid something could be wrong. My chickens aren't walking around and playing as much as they used to. At first I thought that they were dehydrated but they have a lot of water. I don't know if I should get them vitamins or if they're okay. There was a cold front that came in over the weekend do maybe that could be it too. I live in Florida so maybe they were used to the heat and then maybe this sudden cold is making them sick.
Please help me, I don't know what to do.
At that age the first thing I would be concerned about is coccidiosis. They symptoms include slow/lethargic birds, not wanting to eat or drink a lot, standing around puffed up. They may have diarrhea or runny poop, sometimes you will see blood, oftentimes not. Sometimes in the early stages the only thing you'll see is lethargic, puffed up birds. But, since it has the potential to kill very fast I always treat for it when I see slow chicks that were fine previously.

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