Chicken sitter from HELL!


Chick Logging
5 Years
Mar 9, 2014
In the country somewhere
I need to rant and get this off my chest. I went on vacation for 2 weeks and hired someone to care for my chicks while I was away. I got home yesterday and went out to see my babies and was shocked by what I saw. I had 3 dead chickens and the coop was filthy. I tried calling the sitter and she wouldn't answer her phone. Well come to find out she left on Sunday and my chickens hadn't had water or food since that day. I really wish there was something that could be done about this, but our chickens are not taken seriously. If it was a dog or something like that, it would be possible for animal abuse. My Salmon Favorelle, my Silkie, and my RIR, are the ones that died. Sorry my babies!
I am so sorry for your loss, what a tragedy! As you hired this person you have the right to A) know what went on and why they neglected and then abandoned the chickens, and B) have a full refund of your payment to them at the very least! I know this will not bring your chickens back but I also feel you are within your rights to publicise the fact that this person is not to be relied upon. It might save some other pets from suffering the same fate. I hope your remaining chickens are recovering well.
That's terrible! I'm so sorry about your loss of your sweet ones.
She took on the responsibility of caring for your birds while you were away. She wasn't supposed to go AWAY during that time!!
I am so sorry for your loss, what a tragedy! As you hired this person you have the right to A) know what went on and why they neglected and then abandoned the chickens, and B) have a full refund of your payment to them at the very least! I know this will not bring your chickens back but I also feel you are within your rights to publicise the fact that this person is not to be relied upon. It might save some other pets from suffering the same fate. I hope your remaining chickens are recovering well.
I am so sorry for your loss, what a tragedy! As you hired this person you have the right to A) know what went on and why they neglected and then abandoned the chickens, and B) have a full refund of your payment to them at the very least! I know this will not bring your chickens back but I also feel you are within your rights to publicise the fact that this person is not to be relied upon. It might save some other pets from suffering the same fate. I hope your remaining chickens are recovering well.

That's terrible!    I'm so sorry about your loss of your sweet ones.    :hugs    She took on the responsibility of caring for your birds while you were away.   She wasn't supposed to go AWAY during that time!!   :mad:

Thank you both for your kind words. The remaining are doing well. I would have laughed if it wasn't so sad, but when I went to feed and water them, I used a big rubber black bucket to give them more water and as soon as I sat it down they ran to it, and most tried to jump in it. That is how thirsty my babies were. :hugs

Oh and the sitter is apparently not coming back. I talked to her family and they said she took of for Indiana and won't be back. So much for a refund or even a verbal lashing.
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I am so sorry about your chickens. That really sucks. Maybe you could find a reliable neighbor that would take an interest in your chickens--because you BRIBE them with eggs! Give out some eggs and let the neighbors know that you might need someone to watch them for you once or twice a year and you would much rather it be someone "close" to you that you "know". Offer to pay them in money or fresh eggs. There are those that would be delighted to have an opportunity for fresh eggs. And tell them the story of what happened to your babies. People are mostly good, they don't want to see animals mistreated and they would feel sorry for what your chickens went through. There might be a responsible kid around there that would be glad to learn about chickens. You will have to cultivate some friendships.

I have babysat for friends dogs. I text pictures of their dogs when I go feed, it makes them feel much better because they know I am there, they know their dogs are being cared for.
I am so sorry about your chickens. That really sucks. Maybe you could find a reliable neighbor that would take an interest in your chickens--because you BRIBE them with eggs! Give out some eggs and let the neighbors know that you might need someone to watch them for you once or twice a year and you would much rather it be someone "close" to you that you "know".  Offer to pay them in money or fresh eggs. There are those that would be delighted to have an opportunity for fresh eggs. And tell them the story of what happened to your babies. People are mostly good, they don't want to see animals mistreated and they would feel sorry for what your chickens went through. There might be a responsible kid around there that would be glad to learn about chickens. You will have to cultivate some friendships.

I have babysat for friends dogs. I text pictures of their dogs when I go feed, it makes them feel much better because they know I am there, they know their dogs are being cared for.

The sad part is, I also told her to take all the eggs and she did. Oh and did I mention, that my momma black Jersey Giant was left outside for at least 4 days. I know this because she had laid 4 eggs along side the pen but couldn't get in. I'm so lucky she didn't get killed by a mink. We have a lot of those.
Next time I will have a good friend do it, that way I know things will be alright.
So sorry to hear this! I've never had a bad experience with a pet sitter yet...I did lose one hen once, but it was totally not the sitters fault.

Next time, don't pay until after you return. I used to always pay before I until I used a professional whose policy was not to collect the money until after my return. I've since adopted this idea anytime I hire someone to watch my flock.
I'm so sorry your birds were neglected, how completely inexcusable. She gives good pet sitters a bad name. I wish you were closer, I have experience with chickens, and bust my tail when I am caring for other's animals.
I'm so sorry your birds were neglected, how completely inexcusable. She gives good pet sitters a bad name. I wish you were closer, I have experience with chickens, and bust my tail when I am caring for other's animals.

She absolutely does give pet sitters a bad name. Maybe I could pay you to drive her the next time! How far away are you?
So sorry to hear this! I've never had a bad experience with a pet sitter yet...I did lose one hen once, but it was totally not the sitters fault.

Next time, don't pay until after you return. I used to always pay before I until I used a professional whose policy was not to collect the money until after my return. I've since adopted this idea anytime I hire someone to watch my flock.

You can bet I will never make that mistake again. I will not pay before the job is completed., and OP Baymule made a good point, I'm going to have the next sitter take pictures while feeding. Maybe do FaceTime or something similar.

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