chicken squat!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 8, 2014
dubuque iowa
Last night i herd my chickens, not sure which one but one of them did the egg song. this morning i went to pet them and feed them and i got the squat! between the egg song and squatting when do you think i should expect eggs? i have 2 production reds and a California white.
I got my first egg today! My California white named Elsa. She will be 19 weeks tomorrow. This is my first egg ever and I'm super excited. She didn't have it in the nest though. She laid it in the run under the ramp to the coop.
I experienced the same thing about a week ago and its very rewarding to get fresh, healthy eggs from our girls after putting so much work into caring for them
. As far as laying in the nest boxes, maybe you could put some fake eggs in them. I put ceramic eggs in my nest boxes when I started noticing the egg squat and they have layed their eggs in there since day one. BTW that is a very nice first egg!
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