Chicken stumbling and now can't stand/ 2nd hen in flock discovered this morning


Dec 10, 2018
A few days ago I noticed one of my hens stumbling around the yard, she was unable to stay on the roost that night so I put her in a crate and the next morning she was laying on her side. She won't eat or drink and its now day 3. This morning I noticed a 2nd hen displaying similar symptoms, stumbling around. The first hen is under a year old where as the 2nd hen is around 5 years old.
I have them separated from the flock. Its a holiday so no feed stores are open today and can't get them into a vet.

I have been reading about Marek's but it seems that typically is more common is younger birds?
If I am going to have to feed them, how do I go about that if they are not eating on there own?
Any suggestions would be appreciated?
Grateful for this site.
Check their ears for yellow crusty gunk. If it's not an inner ear infection, then a toxin might be a possibility.

I think Marek's Disease can effect older birds, but I'm not an expert on this stuff.

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