Chicken Swap/Event in Ticonderoga NY


6 Years
Jun 12, 2013
Northern NY
we recently had an animal swap last weekend or so and although i was the only one with chickens lol it wasnt too bad, in a couple hrs i sold 5 birds i didnt expect to sell any lol...

We are having another event at the Tractor Supply on July 13th this one is all about the birds, I'll be bringing 40 or 50 to sell and exhibit, and we would love it if more enthusists showed up! you dont have to bring birds to sell, if you have unusual breeds and would just like to talk about them thats great too!

I brought my "pet" rooster calvin last time and he was a star, sitting on peoples shoulders, even fell asleep on a fellow exhibitor, so even if you just want to show off your favorites... anyway, you dont have to sign up or pay anything just show up with your critters! I believe it "starts" at 10, but you can show up earlier or later, and usually we write in that we quit at 4 but no one is going to kick you out, well unless its closing then yeah, u gotta leave
I live in Vermont and have some Millies I would like to offer out as pets or backyard bug destroyers ! :)

Can you give me more detailed info about the address and such - as I'll be coming a long way ....

so far ive gotten a few more interested people yay :) today is cage making day... ive got 10 or 15 more i have to come up with.... let the blisters begin!
Is this still on ?

I've got a friend with a Maran roo and some others she would like to swap.
I traded an EE roo for a SS roo ... and my SS roo is doing GREAT !!!

Not sure if the guy that did the trade me is on this site - but thought I would post this if he is ..... loved the speckled ! He has worked out better than I could have planned.

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