I know, I hope he doesn't read this. I would hate to hurt anyone's feelings, Wonderful or not. We definitely have to have a cook out. Can you see us all? After a couple drinks we will all be wetting ourselves laughing so hard

Note to self buy a bag of depends before going to any BYC functions...

Yes!!!! That reminds me of a cook out I had not to long ago. A friend of mine ( a big burly guy with a shaved head) greeted people at the door with one of those duck floats around his waist with a big diaper on, holding a chocolate ice cream cone with ice cream all over his face..... Forget the speedo we will get Mr. Wonderful the Duck float and depends. Weeeeee!!!!! Splash!!!!!
Note to self buy a bag of depends before going to any BYC functions...

Yes!!!! That reminds me of a cook out I had not to long ago. A friend of mine ( a big burly guy with a shaved head) greeted people at the door with one of those duck floats around his waist with a big diaper on, holding a chocolate ice cream cone with ice cream all over his face..... Forget the speedo we will get Mr. Wonderful the Duck float and depends. Weeeeee!!!!! Splash!!!!!

Note to self buy a bag of depends before going to any BYC functions...

Yes!!!! That reminds me of a cook out I had not to long ago. A friend of mine ( a big burly guy with a shaved head) greeted people at the door with one of those duck floats around his waist with a big diaper on, holding a chocolate ice cream cone with ice cream all over his face..... Forget the speedo we will get Mr. Wonderful the Duck float and depends. Weeeeee!!!!! Splash!!!!!

Oh what a site!!! I need Depends NOW!!! hahahahah
Yes!!!! That reminds me of a cook out I had not to long ago. A friend of mine ( a big burly guy with a shaved head) greeted people at the door with one of those duck floats around his waist with a big diaper on, holding a chocolate ice cream cone with ice cream all over his face..... Forget the speedo we will get Mr. Wonderful the Duck float and depends. Weeeeee!!!!! Splash!!!!!

Oh what a site!!! I need Depends NOW!!! hahahahah

Hay!! We could have a cook out here at my house. I'll clean out my ducks kiddie pool, fill it up and Mr. Wonderful can splash!!! splash!!!
Ok I thinks it's time for me to Put Mr. Crown Royal away LOL
Oh what a site!!! I need Depends NOW!!! hahahahah

Hay!! We could have a cook out here at my house. I'll clean out my ducks kiddie pool, fill it up and Mr. Wonderful can splash!!! splash!!!
Ok I thinks it's time for me to Put Mr. Crown Royal away LOL

Hahaha I just poured a drink....I better log off...

brings back bad memories.

now i think i need that drink too. where's my rum and pepsi!? heheh

i'm not sure yet if i can make it to this swap. but i'm not sure now if i want to. i'd crack up laughing at Mr. wonderful every time i saw him!
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