Chicken swelling around eyes


5 Years
Mar 30, 2019
Hey guys, I just noticed that my sweet little cochin bantam has some swelling around her eyes. She doesn't have any nasal discharge, and she hasn't been acting lethargic at all. She seems to be perfectly healthy, aside from the swelling around her eyes. Any ideas what could be wrong with her? Thanks.


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I would watch for bubbles in the eyes. Bantams sometimes look like their eyes are swollen. Unless you have added new birds to the flock, or if you have had a respiratory disease in the flock before, or if she has been exposed at a previous home, I wouldn’t worry too much at this point. Tylosin powder for the water would be a good antibiotic to use if you see other symptoms. Here is where to find it, and dosage is 1 tsp per gallon of water for 3-5 days.
We had a respiratory disease a couple of years ago, but she was just a chick at the time and was never exposed to it. She was introduced to the flock about a year ago, but none of my chickens have shown any signs of respiratory disease since the initial incident. When it first started, I remember many of my chickens having swollen faces too, but they also had other signs like nasal discharge.

So far, the swelling around the eyes is the only symptom. But since I've had a respiratory illness in my flock before, it definitely worries me. It might be hard to tell in the pictures, but she definitely has a little swelling around her eyes. I'll keep an eye on her and see if anything changes.

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