Chicken That Is Light As A Feather?!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
2 days ago, I got a report from my daughter that one of our hens was acting weird and following her, I went outside to go look at the hen and she looked fine, I thought maybe she was just hungry because there food bowl was licked clean. I walked away and watched how she acted with the other birds, and she did the same as she always does, digs, eats dirt, etc. I went down to the chicken coop and filled there food bowl up and called CHICKEN!! like I always do. All of them came even Waffles, witch is the name of the sick hen, running down the hill and just coming from every where, they ran to the food and ate, but, I noticed, they didn't let Waffles eat, and this was very odd because she's the leader of the pack and they usually let her eat first. Well, I picked her up and I was VERY shocked to see she was lighter then a feather, maybe even as light as air! I got worried after that and put her in the front of the chicken coop, witch is closed off and usually only for sick chickens or baby chickens, anyway, I gave her some food and she chowed down very fast, so, I guess they haven't been letting her eat for awhile. I came back 6 hours later, she was heavier, witch was good, but, I went inside to make dinner and go to bed, I came back to see her today. She had knocked her food down and spilt some water, she was kinda in a panic attack because she didn't know where her friends where, I picked her up and once again she was as light as yesterday! I looked around for bloody poops and stuff, and there were only VERY watery poops, no blood to be found. At first, before I picked her up, I thought maybe another egg got stuck, she had a problem laying an egg before, but, now I guess not. I watched her and shes not acting like she has marek's, shes not painting, no droopy wings, weird legs, etc. She is acting exactly the same, just shes light and has watery poops, I felt for like anything weird around her body, and I found nothing, odd thing is, you can't really feel her bones, like to see if shes starving to death. Can something she ate do this? I know there's a lot of weird plants around here, or, do you think shes just light because she didn't eat and I should take her in so, she can be alone?
Is your feeder big enough for most of your chickens to eat at the same time? How many do you have, and what size feeder? Do you give them food once a day, or is it always full so they can eat whenever they want?

If they weren't letting her eat, she may just be underfed and has lost some weight. Just make sure she gets food and keep an eye on her for now. She'd probably be happier in with her buddies, but if you can feed her special treats and make sure SHE gets food (not just that there's food there) she will probably bounce back.
yeah, i agree! And power shifts often in the chicken world. Watch her water intake as well. Can you feed her separate for awhile till she pumps up? I have a meatie this is happening to. I am getting rid of 4 to off set the eating issues.
Well, its actually a large dog bowl and all the chickens can usually get there heads in there to eat, and I throw some food on the ground for the mini chickens. Its just one feeder, but, I don't have that many chickens anymore, I use to have 82 I think now its down to 25, big change. I fill it whenever its empty, thus, the reason why some of my chickens are a bit over weight. And OK, she mainly likes to be with her sister, but, her sister likes food A LOT so I wasn't sure if she would eat all the food, Lightning, the name of Waffles sister, lets Waffles have food so, I was thinking I may put her in there, is that a good idea or no? Its usually the barred rock and the bufforpingtons that don't let her eat.

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