Chicken throwing up


In the Brooder
Apr 22, 2020
I have read things that chickens cannot puke but one of my chickens keeps having like a clear liquid come out of its mouth. It happened two times yesterday and once today. It’s poop is a clear liquid with a little brown showing in it too. He is 7 weeks and 3 days and is an Ameracauna. He is still inside because it is still in the 40’s out. He is on a mixture of starter and grower, and grower and finisher. I have chicken grit in the brooder with them and I have two heat lamps in the corner because i have a few 5 week chicks. Is my chicken ok? or is it sick? how do i help it?
it feels fluffy


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i will see wheat he does with not touching him the next 24 hours. i think he does it when i don’t touch him too. today my sister was sitting out there and he did it.

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