Chicken Tips - Take a Tip, Leave a Tip


9 Years
Jun 23, 2011
Here is where we can all put our chicken tips. Feel free to leave a tip, or maybe use some of the tips here.

For example:

If you want eggs the winter put a light in the coop, and make sure they get 14 hours of light.

Now if you were wondering how to get eggs in the winter you could use this tip. But maybe you put lamp in the chicken coop, and you have found out it works best for a chicken to have 15 hours of light, you could quote the other persons tip, and than say what you found is best.

Now that I have probably confused you, go ahead and start leaving tips, and using tips!

p.s. The tip can just also be a random fact, such as "Ameraucana and Araucanas are not the same breed, even though many hatcheries say they are."

I hoped I put this in the right spot in the forum.
Chickens need more than cracked corn for their daily diet. (This is for alot of new chicken owners that complain that their not getting eggs but this is all their feeding their flock!)
Blukote over-spray can be removed from skin with nail polish remover. Does anyone know how to remove it from clothing? My favorite shirt...
Never wear yellow nail polish while abusing the no sandals tip. You will lose toenails or be chased by your chickens while trying to run away.
Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill at the same time, oh wait chicken tip...

Don't let your wife find BYC in your favorites after she told you "No Chickens"!

I'll change her mind yet.
The idea of chickens freely roaming around your vegetable garden may sound romantic, but it does not work in practice.

Chickens are really good at scratching your good soil and/or mulch out of the garden bed and on to the walkways between beds where it does not belong.

On top of that, they will eat your young plants before they have a chance to grow to be mature plants. They love to peck at the lower lying tomatoes and strawberries too.

Their manure is valuable to the gardener, but it can not be applied to a garden fresh. It is too hot, and will burn your plants. Chicken manure is best when mixed into wood shavings or shredded autumn leaves and allowed to age for a few months, before applying on the garden.

This is a good time of the year to clean the coop -- especially if you use the deep litter method -- and apply the manure/shavings material on the garden. It will age all winter on the garden, and feed the beneficial soil microorganisms and earthworms at a time when food will be scarce.
If you have a choice between a smaller and larger chicken coop (to buy or build), go for the bigger option, for when you get the inevitable "just a couple more" chickens.

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