Chicken tractor accident

You are most welcome and I am sorry for your latest loss. My Son lost all of his Ducks and Chickens a few years back the same way, heads chewed off and bodies left. It was coons that got them. They are famous for that type of behavior. Do you have any of them around where you are? I pray that the netting protects the rest of your flock.
Yes, I think that’s what’s been coming after my chicks at night in the tractor. I lost one like a week ago (just disappeared with a feather trail with obvious digging around the tractor) so yesterday I built a smaller tractor for inside my run since nothing so far has tried to get in there aside from the hawks (that I’m aware of). My coops are too full to add the 6.5 week olds since I decided not to slaughter after the hawk issues. Need these roosters around for awhile longer! They were separated in a different area of the run when the hawks went after the younger birds and it looked like the main rooster had tried to get through the fence to fend off the attacker. My 3mo are obviously not up to that task yet.
I should add that I did the same thing while changing out the waterer with the next batch of babies maybe a week and a half ago - little girlie tried to go after some fresh grass and I didn’t see her there. Thankfully I moved quicker this time in picking it back up. She hunkered down in a corner after having some twitches/spasms but was fine by the end of the day.

Really should have made an opening in the darn tractor when I was building it so I don’t have to lift it for access! Anyone who stumbles upon this thread should take note.
We are here and listening and learning. I am so grateful for you brave folks sharing painful stories of honest incidents that are a part of farm life 💕

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