Hey all! My husband built a 4x8 chicken tractor last fall (that has a 4x4 2nd floor “coop” area where our 4 chickens sleep at night). We didn’t know a whole lot when we built it so the entire thing is wrapped in chicken wire (bottom included). So far nothing has bothered our chickens. But we have lost 2 ducks to predators and a 3rd was injured (2 different attacks and the most recent was a Racoon-which we have now trapped 1, I’m sure there’s more). Hubby and I are covering up the chicken tractor chicken wire with hardware cloth. Because it is getting so hot I would love to be able to let the chickens roost in the open air/tractor overnight instead of closing them up in the coop area. Would chicken wire on the bottom/floor of the tractor be enough to keep a digging predator out or would we have to put hardwire cloth on that floor as well?