Chicken Tractor Just About Finished

chicks for better health

11 Years
May 4, 2008
West Glenville, NY
Here are some pics of the new chicken tractor






I just have to add the wheels, and metal roofing. I added chicken wire over the 4 x 4 wire. I may make a skirt to keep out predators
Looks great 1/2 inch hardware cloth is much better at keeping predators out then chickens wire also the 4x4 wire will allow predators to get in.

Good Luck nice tractor,
Much better....did you do a floor? If not you ay wan tot lay down chickenwire in a skirt around so nothing can dig under and get your babies
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probably 3 or 4 if they get free range maybe a few more but not to many mine has a large run on it so I was able to fit 11 hens in mine and they are fine with each other and I don't have any picking or fighting.

Very nice! So the wheels are going under the coop part? What a great idea! I bet since the tractor will move to different areas, you could handle 6 chickens in there.

My only concern would be cold weather - will they have a larger henhouse to stay in when the weather gets super cold? They may need to bunker down for a few days and without a good-sized indoor space, they might get some severe cabin fever!

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