My chickens have trained me quite well. They know if they want something to eat, all they have to do is follow me around and get under my feet like a bunch of cats every time I walk out the door, I will appease them with something to eat. Various ones have other tricks too, like little Jean Luc who lights on my back or shoulder so he doesn't have to compete with his larger siblings.

As far as going to roost, they have basically trained themselves. I've had to incarcerate some briefly to get them used to a new location, but most have done well with it, even free range.
I'm interested in training my guineas to stay off our front steps and front porch!

Our last set of guineas were so wild and hard to manage that we trained this set of 4 to eat out of our hands and to be "herded" with long sticks / herding poles. They don't put themselves back to the coop at night... we have to use the sticks to herd them into their coop. The issue is that they have adopted us as part of their flock and they follow us underfoot everywhere we go... I LOVE that on the one hand, but my husband is so frustrated with them pooping all over the front steps and porch... (I don't like it either, but he wants them to be locked up if they won't stay off the porch)...

Does anyone know how to train them to avoid an area without making them scared of you???
They eat out of my hand. That's literally it.
And apparently, at least one of the enjoys hopping onto my back whenever I enter their enclosure and bend down. How can I train her to not do that?
Oh, yeah, and I taught them what a roost was for: flying onto, not ducking under.
my chickens would jump on my back to when they were little but they dont do it any more my flock free ranges all day so when i go back there they will follow me around thinking i have treats lol most of the time i do
They always expect leaves from my hand, now. They like honeysuckle best. Whenever I show up, they run to the door. Except for Smallchick. She’s very skittish. Also, Twilightchick lets me pick her up and calms down quickly.

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